To Question the Witnesses (2)

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Chapter 2

The first witness was brought into the witness chair after ten minutes of waiting. You’d think that the witness would be standing at the get go while waiting to eagerly take the stand. I guess nobody wants to be here today, not even me, I guess. I knew this was a biased courtroom the moment I stepped through the doors. This wasn’t like my previous cases; the judge’s son was never involved in any of them.

She looked too feminine, and oddly enough she wasn’t properly dressed for this sort of occasion. Mr. Ianacone’s boss seemed disappointed while watching her take the stand. Subtly, I could hear an “oh jeez” from Mr. Ianacone’s boss while Mr. Charlimagne chuckled slightly at the sight. Blade only sat still, ignoring her presence as he continued to look down at his feet.

This woman though… dear goodness. She was still wearing her jogging clothes by the looks of things. She wore a blue, sleeveless t-shirt—the ‘once placed’ sleeves were clipped off from the looks of things—skinny black pants and she was wearing blue running shoes. Her hair reminded me of my mom’s; brunette with a hint of blonde at the very end of each strand of hair.

The judge looked over at her with dismay as she smiled at the crowd and the jury. I only signed at her sight with a finger pressed against my forehead. Finally, the judge decided to say something to the prosecution. “Prosecution… why is she dressed so unprofessionally in this courtroom?”

“M-my apologies, your honor,” Mr. Ianacone said while stuttering. I could hear his voice continue to crack, and I began to feel sorry for the poor sap. “Ms. Alexandra arrived late after her early morning jog and… well, she had no time to change.”

“… very well,” Judge Domino sighed. “Well, prosecution, you may proceed by introducing us to your first witness.”

“Yes, your honor,” Mr. Ianacone replied. I began grinning like a madman; I personally found it funny that the judge actually recognized something ill-mannered on the prosecution’s side. To think I once thought the court today wasn’t going to be ‘too’ biased. Haha, the day is still mine. “Witness, please state your name and occupation.”

The woman finally began to speak. “My name is Courtney Abbey Alexandra. Currently, I work as a vet near Trenton.”

“Your honor, my witness is here to testify that she heard the gunshot in question. I have at least four witnesses involved, like I previously mentioned to you before court had began. Each witness will be involved in the following; she will be explaining how she heard it, the next witness will explain the traces of a ‘certain poison’ along with him being an eye-witness, and the other two are the policemen that apprehended Mr. Andrews’ client.”

“I see,” The judge said back. “Prosecution, you may begin to express the liability of the witness.”

“Very well.” Mr. Ianacone then approached his witness. He was still nervous about how Ms. Alexandra represented herself, and sadly he knew that nothing was going to make the people in this court forget about this sudden oddity. Normally, even late people put on a suit to at least look presentable in the court. “Ms. Alexandra, you were awake at the time of the murder, correct?”

“Yes,” She replied. “I had recently just returned home from a run.”

“You weren’t at the scene of the crime, correct?”

“Sure as can be; once I heard the gunshots I immediately called the police.”

“How quickly did you call the police?”

“Almost immediately after I regained my composure; it took a bit of time, actually. Hearing those two gunshots scared the ba-jeebers outta me. I think it was about two or three minutes after I heard those shots.”

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