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"Kai, please, seat beside kyungsoo for a while"-suho

"sure thing hyung"-kai

In front of D.O was Chanyeol and in front of Kai was Jennie. Jennie finds it awkward sitting in front of kai.

*after eating*

"You guys go ahead, I'll clean the table first"-irene

"I'll help irene with it"-Lay

"you want me to stay?"-Suho

"oh no no, it's okay, go ahead I'll catch up with you guys later"-irene

"oh okay, later! later Zhang Yixing!"-Suho


As everyone stood up, Jennie tripped and fell into Chanyeol's arms.

"oh oh, careful careful"-Chanyeol

Everyone looked at Kai including Chanyeol and Jennie.

"uhhh, Jongin! What do you say we play NBA2k20 tonight?"-Baekhyun

Kai with puppy eyes looked down and said to himself

"aighht! calm down kai-shi, it was an accident"


"Oh, yeah yeah, sure thing"-kai

Jennie realized that she was still in Chanyeol's arms.

"Oh, hhh, thanks"-Jennie


After a few seconds of awkwardness

"Appa! i want to sleep"-Fuller

"Oh, you sleepy already?"-Chanyeol

"yes papa, i want to sleep with you and-"-fuller

Fuller pointed at Jennie

"uhmm, lil buddy, Jennie can't sleep with us"-Chanyeol



"it's okay! it's okay, I'll stay with you, uhm fuller"-Jennie

Chanyeol looked at Jennie with a smile

"Fuller can sleep at the guess room"-Suho

"okay okay"-Chanyeol

Chanyeol carried Fuller towards the guess room, and Jennie followed.

"kai, c'mon let's play"-baekhyun


Jennie's POV
Singing a lullaby to fuller seems okay, and I'm actually enjoying it. Looking at Chanyeol who's almost asleep, fuller seems to be happy with him. But why am I sad, all of a sudden? cause kai is here? between me and kai, i know what we have right now is just a space, but we really didn't broke up. Spending time with Chanyeol seems like the happiness i want, which I couldn't feel it with kai, not anymore. Why is my heart confuse 😕.


"oh hey"-jennie

"thanks for helping me out with Fuller"-chanyeol

"yeah sure, no problem"-jennie

"he's asleep now"-chanyeol

"that's good"-jennie

"i bet kai wants to talk to you"-chanyeol

"y-yeah, i i don't know, if I'm ready"-jennie

"it's just a talk with your boyfriend"-chanyeol

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