Chapter 1

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Every time I turned around I either got elbowed or bumped into.  I love my best friend don't get me wrong, but to have her talk me into flying to London to celebrate her wedding night was fine.  I'm fine with that.  I was being forced to come to a bar the night before the big day.  Someone threw up at my feet, but no one else noticed - instead, they kept dancing.  "Y/N, AHH isn't this the best night ever!  I knew you'd love pubs!" It was my best friend, Meghan, who was now leaning on me while attempting to dance.  She isnt a drinker but due to the wedding nerves she is pretty far gone.  I'm not sure if this is normal for all brides but she sure seems to be enjoying herself.  "Oh my gosh!  This is the cutest song!" Meghan screamed right in my ear as she grabbed a random guy to slow dance with.  This night couldn't get any weirder.  I let out a sigh as I made my escape, weave between drunks when I tripped over nothing and slammed right into someone.  The man's arms catch me and save me from face planting.

"Thank you," I mutter when I look up at him I couldn't breathe.  "Thomas Sang-" His hand covered my mouth.

"Shh," he whispered in my ear as he looked around to make sure no one heard.  My mind was racing out of control - the man of my dreams standing right in front of me and almost holding me.  His eyes continued to drift around the place until he was settled that no one else noticed him.  "I'm sorry," he says moving his hand from my lips.  "It's just I want one night where I'm just a normal guy is all." Thomas' smile made me winded again.

Somehow I managed to say, "I thought you were filming the Scorch Trials."  It was the most fangirl stalkerish thing to say, but it was out and there is no taking it back.

Shockingly, Thomas huffed a laugh and gave me a smile.  "Yeah, but we are in between takes.  Came back home for the weekend."  His smile began to fade as more people crowded around us to dance.  "How 'bout this.  I'll buy you a drink and you keep my secret of being here?"  I could feel my cheeks burning at the thought of hanging out with him, let alone drinking.

"Oh!  That would be lovely, but I can't drinkI'm taking care of my best friend, Meghan," I stuttered to say and he raised an eyebrow.

"That is wonderful of you to do, but you dont seem busy right now."

I shook my head and blushed more, "Deal.  I'll just take a water though."  He laughed and took my hand and led me towards the bar.

"Water and jack, please," Thomas called out as he held up two fingers towards the bartender.  My hand was still warm from him holding it to guide me.  "Here," Thomas said calling my attention as he pulled out a stool for me to sit on.

"Wow.  Thank you," I said taking my seat again as he raised an eyebrow.

"Guys dont do that where you're from?" he asked taking his seat beside me.

"Is it that obvious that I'm not from London?" I asked.

He chuckled and it was an amazing feel that I was what made him laugh.  "Well, you look different from most girls I've seen around here."  This time I mocked him by raising an eyebrow.  Thomas smiled and hurried to finish, "I mean you seem dazed by everything here."

Our drinks arrived and I quickly took a few gulps.  "It's beautiful here!  And yes, I am not used to guys being so polite."  Thomas smiled as he swirled his glass in his hand. "Are you visiting your girlfriend?" I asked, then felt totally stalker-like all over again.  I need to stop that.

"Is there anything about me you don't already know?" he asked, his voice sounded hard.

"I'm sorry.  I'm just a big fan," I replied blushing a little.

Thomas let out a sigh, "No, I am sorry.  Yes sort of."  I raised an eyebrow.  "She broke up with me," he said and took a drink.

Broke up with him.  I felt my heart squeeze as I turned in my seat.  "Are you kidding?" I said dumbfounded and the sorrow in his eyes were a clear answer.  "I'm sorry.  That's horrible.  I just Why?  You both seem like a perfect couple," I added.

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