15- Finding my Mom, Finally

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Following him down the stairs, I silently wondered where he was taking me until I stepped up to a familiar set of doors. I immediately knew we were in his office because I saw him knock twice and open the door. "Emily, dad I have Naomi."

"Oh, my sweet Naomi," my mom says, embracing me tightly. "It's been too long, Oh my God!" she sings into my ear.

"Mom..." I couldn't stop tears from falling down my face. I was so happy to see her again. To know she was alive and safe. I snuggled into her arms, into the warmth of her embrace, and immediately felt peace and reassurance.

"Oh honey, I've been so worried about you," she sniffles as she holds me tight. "I knew there was something wrong when Milo told me that he was selling me to the Greys."

"Yes, he made a deal with Dad for me. I was so scared mom." I bawled into her shoulder.

"Honey, forgive me. I wish I could have stopped him from selling you off like that. I am sure you were so scared. I'm hoping I can stop him from selling the twins. I've even made a room for them here. Hopefully, with the divorce proceeding I can win custody so they can be away from him." she sniffles more.

"It's okay mom, you did what you could. I heard that you too were sold to him, or so I was told." I glance at the men around us.

"Yes, I was sold to Milo last year. And since I was older, he was kind to me... instead of sending me to his warehouse, he assigned me to work as a maid in his home. Tom fell in love with me during that period when he saw me several times during Milo's business meetings and made several offers to Milo for my purchase. But Milo wouldn't budge, not until he bought you. That's when I knew we needed to do something and do it fast. Naomi, that man can be so cruel to the people he keeps in the basement. Please tell me you were not kept in there?" She looks at me, pleading with me to confirm her suspicions.

I glanced at her face, tears welling up in my eyes. "I was put down there for a matter of a few hours, but Milo went down there himself to free me. I could tell he was feeling guilty, so he took me up to his office and decided to make me his personal maid. Forced me to clean his bedroom. He decided to keep me in that room afterwards, which is a secret room inside the wall of his bedroom. I felt claustrophobic and cramped as there were no windows. I was so scared and trapped."

"What? That's so wrong!" I hear Finn snap out. I glance at him and see his fists clenched as if he were about to punch someone or something.

"That is why your sister needs to be there right now; she has the assignment, and believe it or not she can handle it." He smiles at his son.

I watch him roll his eyes at his father, "Yes, I know Dad, I'm just glad we got Naomi away from there before anything happened to her..." He snaps his head at me and continues on, "He didn't force himself on you, did he? You are still a virgin, right? Because I would kill him for that." He growled.

I wondered what possessed this guy to think that he was entitled to that information. "Why do you care if I am a virgin or not? I'm pretty sure you aren't!" I replied with a smirk at him earning a glare from him.

"Honey, just answer the question!" I hear my mother's sweet voice, and I glance at Finn. I didn't want to answer with him standing there.

I glanced around at all their faces as they stood there waiting for me to answer the simple question, "Ugh... Fine! Yes, I am still a virgin, okay are you happy now?" I snapped at them all. I noticed that both guys let out a long sigh as though they were holding their breath. Why? Did they really think that Milo would force himself on me? As far as I know, he didn't even like me that way. He was just using me.

"Oh my gosh... that's a blessing!" She smiles at me.

I gulp some air as I decide to ask the question that has been nagging me at the back of my mind. "Mom... why does it matter if I am a virgin? I've definitely had more chances to lose that when I hang out with my boyfriend!" I snapped.

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