~ 8:00 || The Finale ~

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I ended up scrolling through Instagram and liking anyone's post. That's how bored I was. I really needed to pee. So I stood up and went upstairs.

I was about to open the bathroom door when Jungkook pulls me into his room. I attempt to scream but Jungkook's muscular hand covers my mouth. Preventing any noise to come out of it.

I bit his hand making him squeal a little. "Kinky." He replies while smirking. "Shut up. That's nasty." I reply while looking at him. "What do you want? You pulled me in here for a reason." I ask him while crossing my arms.

Jungkook smiles and closes his door, making me freak out again. The last time I was in a room alone with Jungkook..That didn't go the best. "I need to apologize." Jungkook replies while running his hand through his hair.

"Mkay make it quick." I reply while taking a seat on his bed.

"I'm sorry..I really am. I- I- trust me! I really like you Y/N..I didn't ever mean to play you. And I never had an intention of that. I broke up with my girlfriend the day that I met you..Cause..I thought we had a chance..At something?"

He splurges out his apology letting his emotions flood out. Of course, he didn't cry. Just the tone of his voice showed me he was sorry. I stood up and gave Jungkook a pat on the back.

"I believe you Jungkook..But I just want to be friends for now." I reply while smiling at him. He smiles back at me and pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you Y/N! You don't know how much that means to me!!" He squeals like a little kid. "Now if you don't mind can I go to the restroom..?" I say while laughing. He lets go.

"Yeah! Sorry.." He says while grabbing the bale of his neck. I smile and walk out of his room..He was actually sorry..That's nice to hear..

I stand in front of the door to the bathroom. I open it and see a man standing there with his phone. God KNOWS what he was taking photos of.

I screamed and he ended up dropping his phone. He zipped up his pants and we were both pale. The color drained out of both our faces.

I was shocked to find a short boy taking dick pics. He was shocked because I ENCOUNTERED it. "I am- Sorry-" I say while widening my eyes. "Yeah- I- I think I'll go.." He says while quickly shuffling out of the bathroom picking up his phone before he goes.

As soon as he steps out I step into the bathroom. I close the door and lock it. "Oh. My. God." I whisper to myself as I walk slowly to the toilet..

"What the bloody HELL. Just happened?!" I ask myself. I quickly clean myself up as I wash my hands and dry my hands on my pants.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Taehyung chatting with the boy I ran into..I quickly walk down the stairs and sit next to Taehyung.

"Hey, Y/N! Have you met Jimin yet?" I say. "Yeah.." I say to him while looking awkwardly at him. "Why do you seemed so bummed, babe?" He asks me.

Jimin's eyes go wide. "She's your girlfriend?! This is the girl you've been talking about!?" He says in shock. "Yeah.." Taehyung replies.

He squints his eyes at us and then realized. "Jimin you were taking dick pics again! Ew!! Stop!!" Taehyung says while hitting Jimin's shoulder.

I couldn't help myself but laugh at the comment. I bit my bottom lip trying not to make the situation worse.

"Taehyung!! Shut the hell up!" Jimin says while trying to look scary. In the end he looked like a baby. I was laughing way too hard.

"Hey! What you laughing at!?" Jimin asks me. "Oh please. You, duh." I reply while laughing even more.

"Taehyung tell your girlfriend to stop!" He pouts at Taehyung making me laugh even more. Taehyung looks at me and suddenly starts to laugh as well. "Ugh! You guys are so mean!" He says while walking away.

Me and Taehyung look at each other. Then laugh again. "Hey, stupids! Stop laughing and eat! Someone go call Jungkook. I'm not going to get him." Jin says while spreading the place mats on the dinner table.

"I'll get him." I reply while standing up. "Y/N-"

"He apologized..I know he meant it. I'll get him." I reply cutting Taehyung off of his sentence. I smile while everyone gathers at the dinner table.

I quickly rush upstairs and knock on Jungkook's door. He opens it. "Time to eat." I say while smiling at him.

He nods and walks down stairs with me. We take a seat at the dinner table. Everyone looks at Jungkook like he's an un-stable presence.

"Stop staring. It's rude.." I say while taking some food for me and Jungkook. I slide some on his plate and some on mine.

We all start eating and no one speaks. "Jin, can you get some glasses for all of us please." I ask him while smiling. "Yeah.." He says.

Seokjin comes back and gives everyone a glass. He questionably looks at Jungkook before giving it to him.

I roll my eyes as Jin passes out the rest of the cups. I get the water pitcher available on the table. I slowly start pouring water into everyone's cups.

Doing the same to Seokjin before he gave the cup to Jungkook. I look at him in disgust then pour the water in.

"What was that for?!" He asks me. "You'll see." I reply while finishing pouring water into my cup.

I hold my cup up. "A toast.." I say while everyone holds their cup to mine.

"Now. We all had fights, quarrels, differences, and stupid things together. But those don't remain un-forgiven..Right?" I ask everyone and they all nod their heads.

"Wrong. You all hav given numerous chances to the 6 other members. But what about Jungkook? I realize you all are feminists or whatever, but it doesn't mean you can gang up on Jungkook without letting him explain himself..So please! I gave every single seven of you a chance. Give him a chance too."

I glance over to Jungkook with his head hung low. I click my glass on the others. "Forgive Jungkook!" I say.

Everyone looks at me questionably. "If you don't do it or say it I'm chucking this glass at the nearest person." I reply while getting ready to throw the cup to my right. Which was Jimin. He covered his head in fear and I got the cup closer to the boy's face.

"Okay! Okay!" They all repeat while clashing their cups together and repeat what I said.

We all continued to eat and we all drank the night away. Everything was amazing. I made six amazing friends and I have one amazing boyfriend.

Thanks to The Seven of them...

Hello hello! This is the end of Seven!? And thank you all so so so much for reading it. It took me forever to think of this chapter because I wanted it to end on a sweet note. But here we are! I'd like to thank everyone who voted, commented, and read this story in general. Thank you for everything. And I hope you enjoyed this story. <33
Word Count: 1260

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