Being the Third Wheel Isn't Always So Bad

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        I hopped in the puddle with my tall black leather boots. I watched as the drops of water flew up and splattered on the part of my white leg warmer that was showing. The raindrops left little wet spots not only on my leg warmers but also everywhere else on my clothes. It was lightly drizzling again but the puddles had been here from yesterday's storm. It was hot and sticky and the rain wasn't doing any favors to my hair. Even though my hood was up, I could still feel the raindrops hitting my newly straightened hair. An umbrella sure would help protect my hair, but I had promised I'd let Charlotte share with me. I glanced up and watched as Charlotte threw her head back with laughter, letting her brown shiny curls fall back. She lightly touched Brett's arm as he held the glass door open for her. He followed her inside after closing my umbrella and let the door shut behind him. I sighed and quickened my pace. I broke into a run and skidded to a stop when I reached the door. I pulled the door open and threw my hood off all in one smooth movement. I looked around to see Charlotte and Brett in the coat rack line. As I went through security, I thought about Charlotte, and how I'd always felt like the third wheel when I hung out with Charlotte and Brett. They were always too busy flirting to notice how I always felt so left out. I understood that she had been in love with Brett since the sixth grade(and I definitely ship them) but I wish she didn't ignore me when he was around. I know she didn't mean to, but the entire bus ride here she had disregarded me. Even though we sat next to each other in a two seater, she had turned all her attention to Brett who was sitting across the aisle. And when we walked to the museum, it had started out with the three of us in behind our entire class. Slowly, Charlotte and Brett had quickened their pace and I had fallen behind. As dramatic as it might sound, I had been left out in the rain all alone in the middle of Washington D.C.

    I walked to the coat rack line and waited. Charlotte and Brett had just finished and walked past me. I made eye contact with Charlotte and she shot me a sympathetic look. I subtly nodded my head signalling that I had forgiven her and looked at the ground. I had made it to the front and traded my blue pea coat and Kate Spade scarf for a wooden token. I placed my token on the counter and clipped my hair back. I patted my pockets for my phone but all I felt was emptiness. I unzipped my bag and stuck my hand in, feeling around for my phone.

    "Crap! I swear I just had it with me. I probably left it on the bus." I mumbled to myself, turning in circles. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I whirled around to face a boy who looked about my age.

    "Um...I think you left this on the coat rack counter." He stuck his hand out and gave me a wooden token.

    "Oh my god! Thank goodness you found this or I would never have gotten my jacket back. Thank you so much!" I said.

    " Yeah, I kinda figured that you'd need this, you know, to go outside since it's freezing." He replied.

    " Yeah, actually I think I need to go get my phone from the bus. I might have left it there,"I said, more to myself than him

 "Oh, would you like me to walk you there?" He asked me slightly tilting his head.

    "Um..." I watched as his face began to fall. "If you'd like to, I don't want to impose..."

    His electric blue eyes lit up under his nerd glasses. "Of course I would! Here let me grab our coats." He stuck his hand out for my wooden token.

I placed it carefully in his hand. " I'll be in the ladies room." We went our separate ways. I found the bathroom and opened the door. After washing and drying my hands, I stepped outside the bathroom. I thought about Charlotte and Brett and wondered if they even remembered that I was even on this trip with them.. I saw the boy leaning against the wall. My blue pea coat was draped on his right arm with my Kate Spade scarf and his jacket. He looked up and smiled at me making his dimples in his cheeks prominent. He quickly straightened up and held out my coat to me. I realized that I didn't even know this boy's name and I was leaving with him. I thanked him as I put my scarf and jacket on. "I didn't catch your name." I buttoned up my coat and slung my bag over my shoulder. I watched as he slid on his brown leather jacket and attempted to zipper it.

" Is the zipper supposed to be on the left side?" He looked up at me his eyes in confusion.

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure it should be on the right." Before I realized what I was doing, I stepped closer to him and zippered his jacket. I felt his eyes on me and I quickly stepped away. I looked at him. " Oh... sorry." I looked to the ground.

    "Well? Come on! Let's go get your phone!" He smiled at me and gestured to the exit revolving doors a few feet from us. " My name is Theo Fitzpatrick. What's yours?"

    "Kira Davis." I replied as we walked to the exit.

    "I've never heard of a Kira Davis," Theo replied with a cheeky smile. I could feel my face turning red, so I subtly looked down, making sure my soaking wet hair covered it.

    "Two per door." The security guard repeated. "Two per door. Okay you two go." She pointed to the both of us. I got in the door with Theo following me. He put his arms around me to reach the bar and began to push. I felt my heartbeat began to speed up. I slowly began to take deep breaths in and out. As I did, I got whiffs of what I'm guessing was Giorgio Armani.

    After what seemed like forever, we finally got outside and the cold air hit us. The rain had come to a stop and had left that sweet and musty smell lingering in the air. I glanced up to see if Theo was still around. He looked at me and smiled. His cheeks dimpled and his the corners of his eyes crinkled. I smiled back, and I could feel myself slowly falling for a guy I had met less than half an hour ago. Maybe being the third wheel wasn't always so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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