Ch.11: 1 Vote= You Agreeing That You Don't Have A Soul

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Tip: If you're terrified of what Pennywise looks like, pretend the picture above of a weird cat is what he looks like... except a million times taller and more clown like lol.

Also the title totally isn't just to get you to vote lolll 😂😅👉👈

"I'm not going to make you float Lamb Chop," Pennywise says while staring deep into your non-existent soul.

"I'm not going to make you float Lamb Chop," Pennywise says while staring deep into your non-existent soul

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"What? Then why did you go through all of the trouble of saying that I was going to 'float' and stuff?"

"That was all a cover up... cover, cover, cover :(. I need to keep you here with me...


"What?! Why?!," You ask with disbelief.

"Because I can't make you float... And I don't want those LOSERS to use you to defeat me! You're the only one that doesn't get affected by my deadlights."

"Only one?!"

"Yea Lamby, people aren't afraid of me because of my deadly attractiveness... not all the time anyway ;)," Pennywise smirks.

You laugh and then stop immediately. What were you doing? You can't let him make you laugh! No way! Not after everything he's done to you.

"My friend's are going to find me. And we're going to tear you limb from


       when we get the chance to,"

You say trying to sound intimidating.

Pennywise giggles and forcefully grabs your wrist and pulls you into a large room in the sewers.

"Wh-what is this place?," You ask while looking at the enormous hills of old children toys stacked upon each other in the sewer room.

"It's my lair," is all that Pennywise says.

There's a weird stage like thing near the middle of the room. It says "Pennywise The Dancing Clown" on the front, and it looks really old.

Pennywise grip tightens around your wrist and you wince in pain.

             Pennywise's POV:

Even though I can't make Y/N float, I can't let her pose a threat to me in any way... I'll keep her here for now until her fear is stronger and then eat her infront of her friends when the time is right. That way, her and her friends will taste even MORE delicious!

I smirk as I lead Y/N to a corner in my lair with two old twin mattresses a small distance away from each other.

                Back To Normal Pov :

You look at the two mattresses. How the heck did he manage to get those?... On second thought, you don't really want to know. You just want to get out of this place, back to your friends. But how? How were you going to escape a murderous clown?!

Pennywise interrupts your thoughts, "It's nearing nightfall. Humans like to sleep by that time... so... sleep!", he says as he lays down on one of the mattresses.

You lay down onto the other mattress facing away from him. No way you were going to start rebelling now, who knows what he could do to you.

*insert lenny face*

You didn't know if Pennywise was sleeping or not, but you were to scared to check. It was hard for you to to sleep, so you didn't get a good night's rest. But then again, who would sleeping by someone like him?

( true fangirls/fanboys/fan-people )

You wake up to a ray of light shining through a small crevasse in the sewer ceiling. You look around quickly to make sure that horrible event wasn't real and was just some super realistic nightmare... But it wasn't.

"Finally awake? Why does it take you humans so long too awaken?", Pennywise says, towering over you.
It appears he's been up for some time.

( bro wtf he literally sleeps for 27 whole flipping years!!!!!! )

"Sorry that I couldn't get a good rest... not let like anybody could," you reply with no emotion.

Pennywise scoffs quietly and starts eating a random dead child near you. Your eyes widen and you try not to scream. Out of all of the places he could eat... it has to be right by you. -_-

Pennywise grins at your fear and rips into the child once more. Your fear gets replaced by anger as you start to see what's going on here. You could tell that he wants to make you scared~ he needs to make you scared.

You lay back down on the mattress and look the opposite direction. Pennywise frowns and trys to think of another way to scare you. Before he can however, your stomach growls.

You clench your stomach and pray that he won't force you to eat human.

"Do you want some?," Pennywise asks smiling widely.

"NO. Leave me alone," You reply.

Pennywise frowns once more and stops feasting on the child. He picks up the body and moves somewhere else. You smile and then try to fall back asleep again... you want to escape this nightmare as long as you can.

Unfortunately for you, pennywise comes back without the body in his hands. He must of set it down somewhere else.

"Lambchop... don't sleep again! There's so many fun things we can do today!", Pennywise hums.

*insert lenny face again*

You roll your eyes and get up off of the matress.

"Yeah right. Can't you just eat me already? I don't want to deal with you anymore," you say.

Pennywise is suprised with how straight forward you are and changes the subject.

"We can go get something to eat?," he says trying to convince you.

"Ugh, fine! As long as it's not human or crap."

Pennywise claps joyously and giggles.

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