Ch.12 What A Lovely Couple

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Both you and Pennywise had agreed that you would both go somewhere and get something to eat. But there was one problem...

"Um... Are you going to go out in that?," You point at Pennywise's clown costume.

"Of course not! I can't risk that type of exposure... I'll be a human! Yes... a human!," Pennywise giggles as you roll your eyes.

He turns into a charming man with brown hair and unnaturally beautiful blue eyes. He's wearing a nice white tuxedo with a red bowtie and red embroidery dotted on it. You start to fawn over his looks for a split second, until you remember who he actually is. Once you remove your eyes from him, you look down at yourself. You're wearing a beautiful black dress.

"Ok! Let's go Lamb Chop!"


You both crawl out of the sewers and you take large breaths of the fresh air. It was gross being trapped in the sewers. Even if you were just there for a night. You and Pennywise walk side by side as he leads you to a restaurant. When a person walks by, he grasps your hand in his and you blush in suprise.

Even though he did it to make you look like any ordinary couple, you still feel like he felt something. After the person walks by he let's go of your hand and opens the restaurant's door for you.

"Thanks..." You say.

"Of course!" Pennywise grins.

You both enter the fancy restaurant and your waitress leads you both to a comfy booth. You both thank the waitress and then sit down.

"So... How are we going to pay for this? We don't exactly have any money..."

"Don't worry about it Lamby! I can make them think I payed them!"

You get confused, until you remember that he can make people see hallucinations. You sigh and pick up the menu. As you both read the menu, a man and women approach you at your booth.

"Hello! I'm Dianna, and this is Frank... We couldn't help but notice that adorable nickname your boyfriend gave you! You two must be close?," A woman with a expensive looking dress and hat asks you while locking arms with her husband.

You look over the top of your menu at Pennywise and he smirks.

"Yes, we're very close! Actually we're married," Pennywise looks into your eyes with a lovey dovey expression.

You scoff quietly. Pennywise shows them a silver ring on his finger and then he grabs your hand and shows them a beautiful, shiny, and expensive looking wedding ring propped on your finger. You stare at it in awe, along with the actual married couple.

"How beautiful!" The lady responds.

"Indeed, you must be such a lucky woman to have a man willing to buy you a beautiful ring like that." The husband smiles.

"Yeah... lucky..." You look at Pennywise's wide grin.

"Are you two thinking about the future?" The lady asks.

"Future?" You and Pennywise say at the same time.

"You know, kids?" The husband responds.

You blush and look into Pennywise's eyes. He looks back at you and raises his eyebrows. You glare at him.

"Well, actually no~" Pennywise interrupts you.

"Yes! Of course!" Pennywise says, giggling a little.

Your eye twitches and the married couple gives you both the sweetest expressions.

"How lovely! I bet your children will be beautiful and handsome! Anyways, it was nice talking to the both of you. Me and my husband are going to leave, good day!" The woman smiles happily along with the man.

They leave the restaurant and you look at Pennywise. He looks smugly back at you and then shields his face with the menu. You sigh and prop your menu in your face as well. A couple of minutes pass by and you both pick your dish. Then, the waitress comes by.

"Hello! What can I get the two of you?" The waitress asks.

"Actually, the three of us." Pennywise says while looking at you.

"Three?" She asks.

"Yes! Me and my beautiful wife are expecting another member of the family." He smiles.

You give him the most dirtiest, angriest, and horrible glare that ever existed in the whole universe, but all he does is smile smugly back.

"Aww, how sweet!" The lady responds genuinely.

You both order your food and in about twenty minutes it's served.

"Here you go Sir! The triple burger with extra ketchup. And the ( Your favorite food ) for you Ma'am!" The waitress gives you your orders and hurriedly walks away.

You look at Pennywise.

He looks back.

Your eye twitches, and then you start eating your food. While eating, you notice Pennywise is just watching you eat... You start to get kind of freaked out but still continue eating.

Many minutes pass by and you eat all of your food. You look over at Pennywise and he's only taken two bites out of his burger.

"Why did you eat so little?" You ask him.

"Well... Beef isn't really my type if you know what I mean."


Your awkward conversation is interrupted by the waitress.

"Hello again! Are you three ready to pay?" The waitress giggles innocently.

"Yep! Here ya go!" Pennywise takes a brown wallet out of his pocket and gives the waitress a one hundred dollar bill.

"Keep the change."

"Thank you Sir! You guys have a wonderful evening ok?" She hops happily away and you and Pennywise get up and leave.

Pennywise holds your hand the whole time you both walk to the sewer hole you originally crawled out of. It's now dark outside. He let's you go in first and then he plops in right after you. You both go into his 'lair' and sit down onto the mattresses, turning into what you both looked like before.

"Thanks for dinner..." You say quickly.

"You're welcome Lamb Chop."

You both look into eachother eyes... This whole experience was probably the scariest thing he's done yet.

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