Chapter 2.

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The entrance exams came and went. The entire time I was watching over the exam, my eyes would look around for white hair. I would silently scold myself to pay attention to the other students as they went around smashing robots. Some of the other teachers would quietly speak among-st themselves as their eyes stayed glued to the screens.

Midnight leaned heavily against one of the tables as her eyes squinted at one of the monitors.

"What's her quirk?" 

My eyes lazily went over to the far-right screen and on display was Ezra running through robots like it was nothing. Her body glowed a bright gold as she crashed into metal. Her long white hair flowed behind her. Once she landed in front of her wreckage, her body stopped glowing and dark ink stood out once again.

My eyes softened at her determined expression. Usually, the kid had almost a blank slate of a face. She would occasionally let a small smile slip or a worried glance show here and there. I wasn't quite sure how to raise a kid but she was pretty self-sufficient. She was older, but she didn't really ask for anything, she usually just kept to herself. It wasn't like I was the most social person to begin with, so I usually just let her be.

My eyes zoned out on her screen as teachers discussed different students in the background. I remembered the night I found her.

She was running down the street with blood gushing from her side. Her shorter white hair at the time was a wild mess. I had been on patrol when I saw the girl trying to flee from some sort of danger. I could see men following her not to far away, weird masks were attached to their faces as she ducked down an alley way.

She heavily leaned against the brick wall and slid down the rough surface. Her breaths were coming out harshly as blood coated the wall and some of the dirty floor beneath her.

I had gone down the alley way with her and in the dark, she began to try scooting away slowly. Her eyes were lidded and her hand pressed heavily over her bleeding side.

"Calm down, I'm here to help you"

The men had walked past the alley way as I stayed by the girl's side. Her hand was slowly falling limp at her side.

"Hey stay with me!" I had called for an ambulance as I grabbed her cold hand in that dark alley way. My eyes stayed trained on her as I desperately waited to hear the sirens that would blare through the streets.

Her eyes drifted down to our connected hands; blood was smeared on my own. But it didn't bother me. Her hand gently squeezed my own and she smiled.

Her voice was weak and fear was interlaced with it "I'm glad I won't die alone"

My eyes widened and I bit my inner cheek as a small amount of panic began to build up for this girl. The ambulance had finally pulled up and before I knew it, I had picked her up and ran to the vehicle. It felt like everything was in slow motion, but the most distinct part of the night that I remembered was the way her hand had limply left my own.

My eyes trained in back on the exam's once again, memories fading for the moment as two rough hands grabbed my shoulder's. My eyes rolled as I looked up at a smiling blonde.

"Hey!" His booming voice made a couple of people cringe in the tiny room.  His eyes trailed to the screen that some of the teachers were talking about and he smirked. 

"Oh ho! Let me guess your cheering on Ezra?" 

Midnight walked over with a raised eyebrow. "Ezra?"

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