Chapter 8 - Olivia

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"There you are," Manuel exclaims as soon as I step foot inside the studio. "I was waiting for you."

"Am I late?" I set my shoulder bag down against the wall where the rest of everyone's things are. The class is sitting in a line against the back wall and all their eyes land on me so I offer a wave.

"Just in time. I was catching them up to speed. You ready?"

"Yeah," I nod and gather my hair in a ponytail. I changed into a dance outfit and did all my stretches back at the dorm before coming here.

"If you have your song of choice in your phone you can hook it up to the speakers," Manuel gestures to show me where it is.

I nod and and take off my shoes, my sock-clad feet barely making a noise as I cross the studio. I connect my phone to the loud speaker as Manuel stands off to the side with his arms crossed and an expectant grin. I turn the volume nearly as long as it can go, playing a Spanish tune that accounts for a lot of hip-hop and a lot of ass shaking. I move to the center of the studio and face the floor-to-ceiling mirror so that my back is to the class. I get into stance, shaking my hands out and spreading my legs apart. My body automatically relaxes from the familiarity of this. God, it's been a while.

The salsa class erupts into cheers when the familiar notes of Chantaje play through the speakers. They sure as fuck know what's coming. I'm pretty sure I hear Manuel release a loud laugh. I swing my hips to side in a lazy manner that's nothing but a tease. When the lyrics start up, I spin on my heel and hit the floor, raising myself on all fours and using my knees to slide backward and pushing my body up and down. I sit up and lean back until my head touches the floor behind me, my legs still bent underneath me. I take my hand to the front of my chest and slide it down while pushing my hips up provocatively before sitting back up, throwing my head to the side and flipping my hair out of the way. My fingers slide through my hair as I rise to my feet, leaning my weight from side to side as I wait for the chorus to drop. Once it does, I move.

It comes to me naturally because my body already knows what to do. I don't have to think twice about what to do next or how to do it because I just feel the music and move. I string together a freestyle of different hip-hop moves and the class cheers me on. I smile at the familiarity of this. The slight burn in my muscles, feeling my body move like water, moving as if the music and my body are one being. Fuck, I missed this.

Because this is a salsa class I wait for the chorus again and gesture to Manuel to join me. He grins and walks over, looking amused as hell. I take one of his hands and place the other on his shoulder and then easily slip into bachata. He laughs in excitement and doesn't miss a beat, swivelling his waist to the rhythm and dipping.

I move my hips side to side and match their movements in tune with my feet. Manuel pulls me closer until our hips are lined together and then we move them simultaneously. I let one of my hands fall to my side and grip the back of his neck, making my movements appear more lazy and fluid. We move in complete synchronization, waists gliding side to side with our bodies pressed to each other. Manuel dips me back and I add a little more flare by running my hands through my hair and then grazing them along the floor beneath me until he pulls me back up. His hands grip my waist and he turns me around and we resume our hip movements, slow and steady and side to side. My hands link behind his neck, my back plastered to his chest, so it's easy for us to move in harmony because I can feel his next move before he makes it.

The end of the song comes all too soon and Manuel backs away to give me the spotlight again. I don't put too much effort into my moves because I think I've made my point and I don't want to come across as a show-off or anything. When the final note ends I take a small bow and applause greets me. Manuel is laughing when he approaches me again and throws an arm around my shoulder.

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