Chapter 15 - Lucas

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I'm happy today.

I don't get to say that often or even at all but I'm fucking happy today and I can't remember the last time I was.

That should have been my first clue that it wasn't going to last.

As soon as I step inside the guest room I freeze in place at the sight of McCarthy talking to Zack. He's laughing at something Zack is saying, and eleven year old Ava is staring up at him with moon-eyes. Give me a fucking break. I roll my eyes and make my way inside, trying to keep my cool.

"Yo," I call out to Zack. He turns in my direction.

"There you are, man. I was looking for you."

"I was upstairs with Mom," I elaborate and glance at McCarthy. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

He's grown solemn now too but manages to smile politely. I can tell he'd rather eat shit and that makes me way too pleased. I barely suppress a smirk.

"Olivia invited me," He says and there's a hint of a challenge in his voice. Fucker. "That's what happens when you're actually there for her."

My fingers curl into fists. He really wants to get his ass kicked, doesn't he?

"Cool it," Zack warns. "We don't need you two pissing on each other all dinner."

"Why do you say the most disgusting things?" Ava scrunches her nose at her brother.

Zack gives her a little shove. "Go find Quinn and play with her."

"But I want to play with you."

"After dinner, monkey," He kisses her forehead and Ava pouts, going to find her best friend. Zack looks between the two of us. "Seriously. Neither of you disrupts dinner. You can brag about your dick sizes on campus but not here, get it?"

"Yes, mother," I roll my eyes and shoulder past McCarthy. He glares at me and I raise an uninterested brow back. Fuck him. Today is for family. He shouldn't be here to begin with.

Before I can take my seat Uncle Cam is suddenly in front of me and I halt, growing wary. It's no surprise that he isn't my biggest fan. We used to have a decent relationship but when shit fell out between me and Olivia, Uncle Cameron immediately came at his daughter's defence. I can't blame him.

"Lucas," He greets in an unusually serious tone. His eyes go over my shoulder for a moment before coming back to me. "Olivia's friend being here isn't going to be a problem, right?"

"Not as long as he starts one," I shrug. Uncle Cam crosses his arms.

"I don't want you starting anything either," He levels me with a serious stare. "You won't be responsible for making Olivia upset today. You've done enough of that, haven't you?"

I wisely choose to stay quiet. Like I said, I can't blame him for having it out for me.

"Okay," Tia calls out loudly and we both look at her. Her smile is forced and she jerks a hand to the table. "Dinner's ready, everyone."

The word alone brings everyone barrelling in. Within seconds the room is full of over twenty people all scrambling to find their seats, the children whining and crying about who they get to sit beside and the adults looking like they're seconds from yanking their hair out. Uncle Cameron gives me one last look before going to do damage control. I take my seat away from everyone.

"You always sit beside Quinn!" Jamie stomps her foot.

Ava raises her chin. "Because she's my best friend."

"But she's my sister!"

"Then why does she like me more than you?"

"Ava," Aunt Delilah warns. She has a naturally soft-spoken voice but knows how to be firm if the occasion calls for it. "Be nice, honey. Jamie is younger than you so you need to set a good example."

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