Chapter 1

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2 years ago

"A-Zhan, wake up... You'll be late to work... A-Zhan... " Lu tried waking up her little brother Xiao Zhan, as she sat beside him on his bed.

"Jie... I want to sleep for some more time... " Zhan whined pulling his sister closer and resting his head on her lap.

"Zhan... Look at you... Acting like a 5 year old kid... " Lu chuckled ruffling her brother's hair.

"Little Zhan is just 3 years old... " Zhan chuckled.

"A-Zhan... " Lu chuckled caressing her brother's cheeks.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan, grow up, will you? " Yuchen entered Zhan's bedroom and sat beside his beloved wife.

"Are you jealous because jie loves me more than you? " Zhan asked sticking his tongue out.

"I'm worried that she won't give me a kid of my own and will adopt you as our son. I don't like the idea of you calling me 'Dad'. " Yuchen said making a disgusted face.

"Stop it, Yuchen... " Lu said as her cheeks turned pink.

"Who the hell wants you as a dad? Jie, if you ever adopt me, change your husband first. I don't want him to be my dad. " Zhan said pouting.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan... How dare---- "

"Yuchen... Stop it. You'll scare him. " Lu said hiding her little brother behind her.

"Lu... He isn't a 3 year old kid. He's a grown up man and is also a police officer for hell's sake. " Yuchen wanted to facepalm.

"But, he's still a little kid in my eyes. " Lu said, affection for her brother shining through her eyes.

"Jie, you're just spoiling him. " Zhuocheng came in and sat beside Yuchen.

"I know that jealous, Cheng. You all are. " Zhan said.

"Don't mind them, A-Zhan. " Lu said patting her brother's back.

"Lu..... I'm at loss of words now. " Yuchen said sighing.
"Zhan, get your lazy ass up. We have hell lot of cases that has to be solved. " Yuchen said raising from the bed.

"Zhan, you aren't a 3 year old. Grow up. " Cheng said glaring at Zhan.

"Don't tell me. A-Cheng, were you eavesdropping on our conversation? " Zhan asked Cheng, who successfully ignored his words and walked out of Zhan's room.

"A-Zhan, now go take a quick shower and come downstairs. Let's have breakfast together. Dad and Mom are waiting for you. " Lu said smiling warmly.

Zhan nodded with a wide smile.

Zhan took a quick shower, dressed up and went downstairs to join his family. They were all seated at the dining table, waiting for him. Zhan saw them and flashed a quick apologetic smile.

"You'll never be on time, will you? " Madam Yu asked, slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, aunt. " Zhan said with a slight bow.

"It's okay, dear. He must be tired. " Fengmian said as he held his wife's hand with an assuring smile.

"Let's eat now. Zhan must be hungry. " Lu said as she started serving Zhan.

"Jie, this is unfair. I have been waiting from such a long time. Yet, your first preference is this idiot? " Cheng asked glaring at Zhan, who slightly shrugged his shoulder with an you-can't-help-it look.

"You father and daughter are enough to spoil him. " Madam Yu said shaking her head in disapproval.

"Mom, he's just a kid. " Lu tried defending Zhan.

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