The Dark

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The triplets and Webby were playing dart guns when it happened. Dewey and Webby made an alliance (as usual) and were hiding in a closet, with the lights on of course. Webby hated the dark. Most people saw her as an amazing adventurer, fighter, treasure hunter and more. But the dark was her one and only weakness. 

"What dew we dew now?" Dewey said, surprised that they had never used this plan before. 

"We wait."  Webby responded, she was the only one in the house who didn't get annoyed anymore when Dewey said "dew" for do and "deweying" for doing. The "dew" thing has kinda grown on her.  She almost thought that it was cute. 

They waited in the windowless, very claustrophobic, closet. Dewey and Webby already were very close to each other, just inches apart. They saw Huey walk past the closet. "Webby? Dewey?" He looked around. "Are you two teaming up again? That's cheating you know!" He rolled his eyes. Dewey looked over to Webby How did they not look in this closet yet? It's the only one with the lights on because of Webby's Nyctophobia- that's a big  word. Webby signaled  to Dewey. They both opened their mouths to say "Got ya!" when- BANG!!  The power went out. Everything was pitch black in the closet. 

"D- Dewey?" Webby quavered, just barely managing to squeak it out.  

"Yea, Webby?" Dewey responded, getting worried. He knew about Webby's fear of the dark. He was the only one in the house who knew about it aside from her granny.  

"Good, you're still here."   

"Didn't you bring along your backpack full of weapons, supplies, and your night vision goggles?" Dewey asked her. 

"N- no, Louie told me he was beginning to not want to play with someone who had professional spy equipment." 

"Darn Louie." Dewey muttered under his breath. Webby started hyperventilating. 

"Um, Dewey," Webby paused and swallowed. "Can we hold hands?" Dewey felt his face turn hot. Then thought Wait, I can't even see her. How are we supposed to- his thoughts were cut off by Webby touching his shoulder and tracing his arm down to his hand. I guess that's how. She squeezed his hand, very hard, her hand was a little sweaty from being so scared. Dewey wrapped his hand around hers. 

After a little while of holding hands, Webby slowly started to breath normally. She leaned on Dewey, her head rested on his shoulder. "Thank you." She whispered. 

"No problem." Dewey responded. 

A/N i'm sorry for this cringe worthy one shot I really need some ideas XD. Sorry for not updating this story and "A Winter Day" the Louena chapter has been re-written at least 15 times. 

Debbigail One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now