Chapter 4: Conflict on Geonosis

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Thyferra Orbit

With Jedi Knight Obi-wan Kenobi away pursuing leads in regards to the attempted assassination of Naboo Senator Padme Amidala, Jedi Master Neyara Silduri and her Padawan Y/n were sent to the planet Thyferra to oversee an exchange of Bacta containers for the citizens of the planet Dentaal as the medical sectors had been overwhelmed by an outbreak of previously thought eradicated Candorian Plague and had partitioned the Republic for medical aid. As Y/n signed for the crates of Bacta containers, Neyara finalised the details with the Dentaalian diplomat in regards to the delivery of the containers.

"You needn't worry minister, once the supplies are loaded into the cargo hold, we'll be on our way."

"I trust you'll be able to deliver as promised Master Jedi?"

"Are you doubting my word minister? Need I remind you that it was the House of Dentaal that partitioned aid from the Republic."

"Of course not Master Jedi. Forgive my impudence, with things as they are the people are on edge."

"That's the last of the containers Master. We're ready to get under way on your command."

"Thank you Padawan. Minister, I must be going. We will be seeing you shortly."

"Thank you Master Jedi."

As the Dentaalian Minister ended the transmission between the two, the older Silduri took notice of her Padawan in the midst of a holo-call with his two sisters back on his home planet of Remnant. After the Gathering in which the young Force User had a conversation with the former Grand Master Satele Shan, Y/n had opened up to his Master as well as Cal and Kira. With the consular ship preparing for the jump to Hyperspace, Neyara decided to drop in on her Padawan's holo-call.

"You sure there's nothing else I need to know about Red?"

"Yep! Well ... Dad's been-"

"'Dad' has been drinking again. I swear ever since you left five years ago things have been tense between him and mum"

"Master Kota did this for my safety, if that Sith Assassin had managed to report back to whoever sent her then who knows what would have happened."

"Everything alright Padawan?"

"Ooh, is that Master Neyara? Hi Master Neyara!"

"Reeed! Way to drop in Master."

Placing a hand on her Padawan's shoulder, Neyara gave the young Force User's sisters a curt nod as the three had been catching up with events over the past few months and with growing hostilities between the Naboo and the Trade Federation as well as the Republic's proposed Military Creation Act and the opposition to the bill had painted a target on Senator Amidala's back.

"I'm sorry Y/n. It's good to see you both again, I trust things are well on Remnant?"

"As well as they can be. Winter's approaching so we've been stockpiling food and supplies. Reports say this one is going to be worse than last year."

"You two just stay safe alright? I'll call again soon. Tell mum I say hi and that I hope she's well."

"Sorry she couldn't come and see you Y/n. She'd be proud of how much you've grown."

As the transmission between the siblings ended, Y/n looked down to the durasteel of the ship's bridge with a solemn expression prompting Neyara to give the young Force User's shoulder a light squeeze.

"It's okay Y/n. You'll be able to see them again some time soon."

"I just wish things were better for them, with dad drinking again and mum having to deal with the Poodoo that's going around I worry for them. But it won't affect my abilities master."

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