Chapter 5: Begun the Clone Wars Have

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Geonosis - Geonosian Hive Exterior

As Y/n and Vance continued to free-fall from the makeshift exit that Y/n had created mere moments ago, the Clone Captain was screaming his lungs out as Y/n proceeded to shoot past the wailing Clone and come to a rather harsh stop that would've killed a normal person if not for Y/n's aptitude with the Force. Turning his gaze back skyward, Y/n focused on the falling Clone and proceeded to slow Vance's fall and drop the clone down from a safer height as Vance's Z-6 dropped right next to him causing the Captain to recoil like a Wampa Rat scurrying from a Rancor.

"Next time kid ... just tell me to jump."

"Sorry Vance. There wasn't a lot of time to explain."

"Of course there wasn't."

Picking up the badly damaged Z-6, Vance proceeded to activate his comm-link in an attempt to contact the forward command centre which had been receiving an absolute pounding while the Captain and the young Force User were escaping from the Hive. As Vance tried the various frequencies, the young Force User could hardly contain the shock and horror of the battlefield before him, with numerous wrecks of vehicles and transports littering the field Y/n was just hoping that Kira had managed to make it to Master Neyara and Jaena unharmed.

487th Battalion Forward Command Centre

With droid attacks ramping up, Nyx, Neyara and Jaena along with the survivors of the 487th and 309th were forced to fall back to the defences just on the outskirts of the Command Centre as the droid advance once again resumed to wipe out the remaining 4,742 Clones and the two Jedi as the last of the Walkers had been destroyed and Slaine and the few surviving members of his Walker were moved to the medical bay for on-site treatment leaving the 487th and 309th without any armoured support as most of the remaining walkers had been redeployed to other fronts and the gunships had returned to the ships to obtain reinforcements.

"We can't hold this position much longer General!"

"We have to buy time for the reinforcements Commander! I know it's a lot to ask but we're proving to be a rather irritating thorn in the Separatist's side."

As a Hail-fire rocket exploded inside the Command Centre, Nyx picked up a short wave transmission on his comm-link distracting the Clone Commander from the immediate firefight as he tried to identify who was trying to contact him.

".... Nyx d-... copy? ... ance, I've ... in touch wi-... Yoda air support-... way."

"Say again Vance, you're breaking up! What's that about air support!?"

"Air support inbound North of the command centre. I repeat air support inbound North of the command centre."

As Vance relayed the info regarding air support an entire squad of droids was decimated by a shot from a Mass Driver prompting the Commander to turn his gaze back towards the rear and through the various wrecks of AT-TE's to see one, if not, the last walker that the 487th had at their disposal with Kira at the forefront to try and alleviate pressure on the beleaguered Command Centre.


Hearing the familiar voice of her Padawan, Jaena turned her own attention over her shoulder while maintaining some vigilance of the incoming blaster bolts as Neyara directed the reinforcements to the defences in a bid to buy time for the rest of the Jedi and their respective Clones to complete their objectives in the field as only a few Hardcell Transports and Core Ships remained on the surface of the planet with some managing to break the atmosphere of Geonosis and the rest being reduced to smouldering wrecks by LAAT rockets and AT-TE Mass Driver shots.

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