Chapter 2

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When James's parents left as soon as the door closed behind them, it was just silence...dead silence... there was no white noise or anything,...James could here his own breathing... to make his anxiety was late...Really late... the house was dark except for the hall he was stood in, every crack of the house settling made him jump.

James decided to ease the situation by sprinting up the stairs to his room on the third floor, he turned on his speaker and started to blast some music. He walked to the other side of his room and turned on his Xbox, closed his door and made himself comfy in his chair.

Time flew by and suddenly the reading on his digital clock was 02:48 , "damn" he had been playing for hours, he leaned back and all the bones in his back cracked, he yelled out "oooooooh" he started to laugh, James decided he should take care of some "business" so he got in bed and took of his shorts, halfway through there was a loud thud... "what the fuck!"

After two minutes of just staring at the window, frozen in fear, he grew some balls and went to his window, all he could see was darkness and only a small part of his garden but except for that it was like somebody taped a black sheet of paper over his window, whatever that was couldn't be seen but it could see him, that was the thought in the back of James's head, but to keep his anxiety from sky rocketing, he convinced himself it was a stupid bird flying into his window, he shut his curtains and decided it was time for bed.

But then a couple of words flashed through his mind

"Make sure you lock the front and back door when you go to bed"

"For Fucks sake" James said to himself, he had to go back downstairs at 3 in the morning, in a pitch black house and lock all the doors and windows.

The door creaked open and the light from his room illuminated the hall way leading to the stairs, the house was cold, he was shivering, clearly his parents turned the heating off before they left, to make things worse he was only wearing shorts, the hallway was a long corridor of creepy paintings and doors leading to rooms, he closed his door behind him, which made it impossible for him to see.

James walked down the hallway slowly, he couldn't see anything but black, but his mind started to wonder and he could imagine himself walking down the hallway, like he is, and a figure breathing down his neck, teasing him, making no noise, copying his every move, without James knowing he's there.

James finally reached the stairs, he started to creep down the stairs one step at a time

Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud, SLAM

James froze in fear

Those weren't his footsteps

He wasn't running

He didn't just close his bedroom door

What James heard was the sound of someone running down the corridor very quickly and into his bedroom and slamming his bedroom door shut.

"its all in my head" he kept repeating to himself.

trying to convince himself that what he just experienced was in his head.

But in reality, James was stood halfway up the stairs. The house is dark, he cant see anything. and something DID sprint across the landing and into his bedroom.

it was just silent...dead silent... there was no white noise or anything,...James could here his own breathing... to make his anxiety was late...Really late... the house was dark.

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