Chapter 3

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James had made his way to his kitchen, he locked the back door

He made his way to the front door, locked it

What James didn't realise, he just locked himself in with pure evil.

still shocked he went into his living room, made the couch so he could sleep there, he turned his TV on to make it feel like he wasn't alone, even though he wasn't alone, there was something in his bedroom.

It was 03:13

James was led on his couch, paralysed with fear, he was shocked how he even got his legs to move, he was wondering what even happened, he just led there silently until he accidentally drifted off to sleep,
He dreamt that his parents got back from there getaway and walked into his room to see him swinging, from a rope with his legs missing
Just his torso and his arms and head,
Pool of blood and guts on the floor,
His body rotting and the stench of death in the air

His parents breaking down screaming and crying underneath him, while he could see them, he couldn't move but he could see
He tried to say something, anything but he couldn't

James woke up in a cold sweat, he was in his own bed,
"Thank god it was just a dream" he thought

He tried to move his head but he couldn't
He tried to move his arms but he couldn't
He tried to scream but he couldn't

His chest was burning, it felt heavy, like a 20 stone man was sitting on his chest, his eyes flickered to the window, the curtains were open and he only saw darkness

"It's only sleep paralysis" he thought
It's normal, it will ease soon

his eyes suddenly darted to the corner of the room where there was a man 

well it had the form of a man

it was about 6 and a half feet

that is what ran into James room earlier

it had a white face, red eyes and a huge grin, it approached James

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it had a white face, red eyes and a huge grin, it approached James

and opened its mouth as though it was about to eat him

but then the lights shut out

and it showed James a vision  

James proceeded to get up and grab a rope, 

he tied it to his ceiling fan and got up on the chair, he wrapped the rope around his neck and fell forwards


it was just silent...dead silent... there was no white noise or anything,...James could no longer hear his own was late...Really late... the house was dark.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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