Like Real People Do

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Like Real People Do

Titans Tower

A week had passed since Tara's arrival. The Tower was surprisingly quiet. No surprise attacks, no sneaking out, or outbursts. For the most part it was business as usual during the daytime.

The nighttime is when all the demons came to life. One person in the tower seemed to have the worst of them. Tara was plagued with night terrors like none other.

The entire Tower quaked to her fear. Her terrors activated her powers. Causing tremors not just in the Tower, but throughout Sam Francisco.

Alister tried to help but she refused it. Not that he could do much. So he decided to help indirectly. He asked the other kids to be attentive of her. She needed to feel like she belonged. Maybe if she'd open up if she felt like she could trust them.

Alister stood in front of the mirror. He smiled as he buttoned up his freshly pressed shirt. He looked past his own reflection to his fiancé standing in the bathroom doorway.

"What?" He asked.

Dick shrugged. He leaned against the doorframe. He watched Alister get dressed. Though he wore nothing but a loose towel around his waist. His hair was still wet as he had just showered.

"Nothing. Just admiring my sexy fiancé." Dick responded.

Alister chuckled softly. He shook his head. "Do a little less admiring and start getting dressed. I don't want to be late." He said.

"Our reservation isn't for another forty minutes, we have a little time to spare." Said Dick.

Dick padded across the room. He came up behind Alister, pressing himself against his fiancé. He began to massage Alister's shoulders. He dipped his head on the side of Alister's neck and placed two soft kisses against his skin.

"Don't even think about it, Grayson," Alister said through a smile. He shook his head at Dick in the mirror. "I'm serious, get ready."

Dick sucked his teeth. "You're no fun," He said pulling away. He placed on last kiss against Alister's neck before he walked to the open closet.

"There'll be plenty time for fun after dinner. We've put this off long enough." Alister said. He slid his arm into his coat.

"It hasn't been that long," Dick scoffed. He pulled on a solid white t-shirt.

"We've rescheduled twenty times, Dick. It's a miracle she even kept us as clients this long. She's pretty exclusive, you know? We still haven't thanked Bruce for calling in this favor. I'm still curious about how Bruce knows a wedding planner in the first place."

"Bruce has friends in all the right places, apparently." Dick muttered. He pulled on a pair of briefs.

"Apparently," Alister repeated. "Did you ever give him a call about the situation in Gotham? I'm having a hard time believing he didn't know about the human trafficking." Alister made conversation as he stepped into his shoes.

"Called him and he didn't answer. The running consensus is he's on mission with the rest of the League." Dick responded. He stepped into his pants.

Alister winced as a painful flash rushed over his head. He saw images. Images that moved too fast for him to understand. He massaged his fingers against his temples.

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