Everything's Different Now

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Everything's Different Now


A fierce spark of green light split the veil of reality. Calvin's exhausted body spilled out of the portal. He grunted when he hit the gravel.

Calvin groaned and rolled over. He pulled himself to his feet using the dumpster. His eyes scanned the dark alleyway for signs of life.

"Have to get to the Tower." He rasped. His unsteady legs carried him to the edge of the alley. A giant billboard loomed over his head. The lights were blinding.

Calvin's blood boiled at the image displayed before him. Gar and Tara peered deep into each other's eyes. Hands outstretched but falling short of touch. Robots acted as a border between them.

Calvin read the title out loud. "Beast Boy V Destructobots? I said make something beautiful, not cringy." He hissed at himself.

He took one step out of the alley. A giant tanker blazed across his path. He quickly threw himself back. "What the?"

He read the side of the tanker. "Cadmus has tanks in the city?" He questioned.

"Citizens of San Francisco, it is now twenty minutes past curfew. Please report to the nearest Meta-gene testing center to provide exemptions and identification. All tests are free courtesy of Godfrey & Goode Industries partnered with LexCorp. The non-compliant will be detained." A Cadmus soldier announced.

"I bet he has a cue card on him," Calvin whispered.
He sank into the shadows of the alleyway. His back hit something hard. He grunted and whirled around.

"What are you doing out this late kid?" Asked the soldier. "Don't you know better by now?"

"I-I'm sorry I just..."

"I need to see some identification." Said the man.

"Uh I... I think I left my wallet at home, actually, I..." Calvin reached for his pockets. It was a fatal mistake because the soldier noticed his superhero costume.

The soldier lifted his futuristic rifle. His thumbprint activated the kill mode. Switching it's dim red light to a brilliant violet glow. The soldier took aim at Calvin.

"Put your hands up now." The officer demanded. His finger was just a pinch away from emptying the magazine into Calvin's body.

"Okay! Okay!" Calvin squawked. He raised his hands as the officer asked. Knowing full well he couldn't be detained. Nor could the soldier call for backup.

"Fair warning, you probably just made the last mistake of your life." He added. He shut his eyes and tried to activate his powers.

All he received was a nauseating wave of exhaustion. It struck him like a freight train. The sudden emptiness swayed him. He spilled to the side and hit the wall.

The soldier nearly opened fire. Had it not been for the black magic encasing the gun, Calvin would be dead. Instead of firing, it exploded in the soldier's grasp.

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