Monday's Truly Do Suck

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"Hello?" I ask my phone, waiting for my boyfriend to respond to my call.
To my dismay, a girl replies, "Hello? Who's this?"
My heart sinks to my stomach as two scenarios race through my head.
My voice shakes, "Haha, I'm not quite sure who I am. It depends on who you are."
"This is Jay's girlfriend, and who might you be?"
My chest tightens. Although I was half expecting her answer, it didn't make her words hurt any less. I wince at the sudden tinge of pain that started to weigh heavy on my heart.
"This is Jay's ex, and considering I was his girlfriend up until now as well, you might want to break it off too. Tell him y/n said to cheat to his heart's content because I'm done. Sorry for taking up your time, I'm sure you're a nice girl so don't waste your time on him. Bye." I end the call in one huff and feel my knees go weak beneath me. I collapse to the floor of my apartment and begin to sob. As if crying grossly wasn't enough, I begin wheezing and hacking.
Jay was my highschool sweetheart of five years but I guess at our shared age of twenty-one he'd had fun exploring his options.
I get my breathing under control as a sudden realization dawns on me as my tear drops hit the screen of my phone while I scroll through my camera roll deleting pictures of him.
What am I gonna do?
I look around the apartment at the boxes with my packed belongings. I had planned on moving in with Jay as we had been together for five years but obviously that's not an option anymore.
Fuck. I already told the landlord I was moving so we didn't renew my lease. Where am I gonna go?
I rack my brain for ideas until I settle on a drastic one.
I'll move to Australia with Mia.
Mia is a friend of mine who had moved to Australia to further pursue her career. When she moved, she begged me to come along but I denied because of Jay.
I immediately call her and the line only rings once before she picks up, "Wassup girl! It's been a while since you called me. What's going on?"
My voice trembles, "When you offered me a place with you in Australia... does that offer still stand?"
The line goes quiet for a minute before she replies, "Of course y/n. Is everything alright? Are you okay?"
I begin to explain everything to her in a fit of sobs.
"I always knew he was a douche but that's a trashy thing to do! He was about to have you move in while still cheating on you? Pack your shit and get your ass over here. You don't need to be there." she yells to me over the phone.
I nod in agreement even though she can't see it.
"I'll worry about everything on my end so could you just get me a ride to your apartment from the airport? I'm leaving as soon as possible."
"Of course. I gotchu. But anyways, I gotta go now so text me before you get on the plane."
"For sure." I reply and she ends the call.
I quickly start making plans. I look at the flight schedules and settle for the three AM flight tomorrow. I pack the necessities into a suitcase and begin making plans to quickly ship the rest of my packed boxes to Mia's address in Australia. After finally finishing the preparations, I brief my few friends on the situation and they hesitantly agree to help me however they can.
I look at my phone and see that the time reads twelve PM, and at the same time receive a message from Uber letting me know my driver was here. I grabbed my suitcase and made my way to the car.
After arriving at the airport, everything happened so quickly that it's all a blur. I doze off in my seat.
I awake to an announcement telling us passengers that we'll be landing in thirty minutes, so I check the time on my phone.
What the hell? I just slept a whole nineteen hours? I guess I was in desperate need of sleep.
I get food and wait for the landing.
After landing I quickly get off and immediately call Mia.
"Hello?" she asks.
"I'm off. Where are you?" I ask nervously.
"Hold on." she informs me.
"Y/n!" Mia's voice echoed in the airport.
I swiftly hang up and run towards her to cover her mouth.
"God, you're embarrassing." I sigh.
Her eyes light up and she moves my hand to bring me into a hug.
"Y/n, I missed you."
I chuckle and hug her back, "I missed you too. Now let's go before security kicks us out."
She laughs and leads me to her car and we head off to her apartment.
We enter the building and head upstairs to where her room is.
"How do you like my unit?" she asks with a sly smile.
"What the fuck is a unit?" I ask in confusion.
She bursts into laughter at my response, "That's what they call larger apartments here in Australia."
"Oh. I guess I'll have to get used to the lingo here." I awkwardly laugh slightly embarrassed.
"It's fine. Anyways, that's my room and let me show you yours." she points to a door then leads me to another.
I twist the knob and walk in to see a simple but cutely styled room.
"I'm sorry, I know it's not much but I did what I could for-" I cut her off, "No. This is perfect. Thank you so much Mia. Not just for this but for everything."
She smiles shyly then smacks my back.
"Ow! What was that for?" I wince.
"For being so cheesy. Oh, speaking of, I was planning on making spaghetti for dinner tonight cuz I can't cook and it's simple but I forgot to get parmesan cheese so how about we go buy some together and we take this opportunity to show you around the neighborhood?"
"I'd like that." I reply, flicking her forehead.
"Oh! Oh! We should take the train." she says excitedly.
"I don't see why not." I sigh. I quickly shower and change then we head off.
Mia helps me navigate getting a pass and explains the map to me, then we get on the train. Mia takes a seat while I decide to stay standing and allow someone else to take a seat. I thought I'd be able to handle standing for a while since I slept nineteen hours. A boy takes a seat and makes eye contact with me. I give a polite smile and he smiles back.
He has dimples, how cute.
I catch my breath at the attractive young man only to find that I'm having trouble breathing.
My breath shortens and my chest hurts. I feel my consciousness start to fade.
I black out.

It Could Be You {Bang Chan x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now