Guess I'm Terminally Ill

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When I awake, I open my eyes to see a dimly lit hospital room. I look around in confusion to find a boy closing the curtain on the night sky. It was dark so I only caught glimpse of the boy before the moonlight illuminating the room disappeared. All I managed to catch was a nurse's uniform and his slightly messy hair.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" he asked.
His voice was charismatic and complimented his Australian accent. I shook my head.
"That's relieving. I'd feel guilty to have been the one to interrupt your beauty sleep. Since you're awake, I'll go get the doctor, yeah?" I nod in response and he leaves the room.
I survey the room once again and find Mia sleeping on the couch.
I call out to her, "Mia?"
She jumps up but I can tell she's still drowsy.
She pulls me into a hug and starts weeping, "You have no idea how scared and worried I was. You just collapsed out of no where! If that nurse wasn't there, things could have been a lot worse."
"I'm sorry Mia, I didn't mean to worry you. I have no idea what happened. Why are we here and what's wrong with me?"
"I don't know." Mia replies, wiping her tears with her sleeve.
"Well I do." a man cuts in as the lights in the room flicker on. Unlike the majority of the people here, he didn't have an Australian accent. Rather, he had a Korean accent. An older man, who I assume is doctor and the one who spoke, walks in and the boy from the bus follows behind him.
"I'm Dr. Park, this is nurse Chris, and we'll be looking after you during your stay here." the boy waves at me from behind the doctor.
"During my stay here?" I ask in confusion.
"Right. Sorry. Seems I got ahead of myself. Your name's y/n, correct? Well the reason you're here is because you fainted so we quickly ran tests to see what might have caused it."
"What caused it?" I asked shakily, reaching for Mia's hand and grasping tightly.
He continues, "It seems that you have emphysema, and a pretty severe case at that. It's a lung disease that causes chest pain, shortness of breath, and trouble breathing. People can live the majority of their lives not knowing they have the disease. The only reason you're here is because your case is life threatening."
I bury my head in Mia's chest and she squeezes me tightly. I signal to the doctor to continue.
"It's an incurable disease but we can treat the symptoms and stop further damage to the lungs. In your case, one of your lungs is severely damaged and requires a lung transplant. After that you'll be set up with medications for the rest of your life." he finishes.
"I just need a lung transplant and some meds?" I ask pulling away from Mia.
"Yes, but I'm afraid that your stay here and the procedure will be quite costly since you're not a citizen of Australia." he sighs in disappointment.
I take notice of the nurse that I had ignored until now to see him wearing a frown.
"If it's money you're worried about, it's not an issue." I inform them.
The doctor looks weary but agrees with me anyways, "Then I'll meet you again sometime this week to discuss the details further."
The doctor starts to leave, "Quite luckily, your blood type is AB so you're able to receive any donors lungs, but we don't know for how long that'll be. While your lungs are in a very dangerous state, now that you're being treated, your life isn't in any immediate danger. For now we'll just put you on the waiting list. With all that said, I hope your stay at JYP Hospital is pleasant."
The doctor left the room, leaving an awkward silence that's suddenly interrupted by Mia's light breathing. Her head nodded off while sitting up because she was tired. I chuckle and lightly shake her awake.
"Mia it's already late, you can go ahead and go home to get some rest. You don't have to worry about me, I'm in good hands." I prompt, and point to the nurse.
"Are you sure?" she whimpers.
"You know I don't like liars." I giggle.
"Please be careful and stay safe." she frowns as she grabs her stuff to leave.
"Wait, turn off the lights on your way out, I'm still quite sleepy too." I call to her as she exits the room.
The lights flicker off, leaving me and the nurse alone in the room.
He stood quietly and patiently in the dark. I'm assuming he was waiting for my dismissal. He had been pretty quiet the entire time so I decide it'd be a good idea to talk to my saviour.
"You were the one on the bus right? If I heard correctly, your name's Chris? I heard you helped me so I wanted to say thank you. I'm grateful." I huff.
He chuckles, "You can just call me Chan, it's what my mates call me. And it was really no problem at all, it's a sense of duty that comes along with the job."
"Chan, huh? I guess that means we're friends. Well you can call me y/n." I grin.
He laughs, "Yeah, I guess so, y/n."
I start to get up from the hospital bed but quickly realize I'm in a hospital gown. I pause, then proceed to wrap myself with the blanket, then continue to get up and head towards the window.
"Is it okay for me to open the window?" I ask.
Chris gives me a small nod in reply.
I reach for the curtains and pull them to the side, and yank open the window with a heavy huff. A cool breeze blows in, lifting the curtains and my hair.
"From now on you can leave the curtains open like this. I love being able to see the sky." I turn to Chan and explain with a smile. His eyes widen, but the shocked expression leaves me in worry.
"Is something wrong?" I ask nervously and concerned.
"No, it's nothing. Your beauty caught me off guard." he stammers.
"Pfft, yeah. I'm sure passing out and coughing uncontrollably is hot as hell." I chuckle in reply, brushing aside his comment.
"You'd be surprised." he chuckles. "I'll leave you to get some rest. Call me if you need anything." he concludes as he leaves.
I hope it was dark enough so he couldn't see my embarrassment at his playful flirty words.
I head back to the hospital bed and lay down, drifting off to sleep quickly.

Author's Notes
My dude's I totally forgot to add this at the end of the first chapter. My bad lol
But I hope y'all are enjoying this Straykidz hospital AU so far. This next upcoming chapter is definitely just going to be full of interactions between the readers and Chan since these first two were full of plot building. :')
Anyways, thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed.
Have a good day and stay safe. <3

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