An Artist?

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"What? Now you have to tell me." Chan prods.
"God no. Please, it's so embarrassing compared to a professional job like being nurse." I beg, hoping he'll drop the topic of my job altogether.
"I won't judge." he shrugs, taking a seat next to me on the bed.
I bury my face in my hands and feel my face begin to heat up.
"I'm a YouTuber." I announce.
"Woah, really? That's awesome! How many subscribers do you have and what do you post?" he
asked excitedly.
My embarrassment quickly subsided as his excitement was contagious.
"Well, uh, I write and sing songs and animate videos for them and I have around five million subscribers." I inform him while twirling a strand of my hair around a finger.
"That's so cool! You know, I really like music too and at one point it was something I wanted to pursue but, my parents thought something stable like a nurse was better for me." he explains, his excitement slowly dying down.
"Do you wanna hear it?"
"My music I mean!" I exclaim awkwardly.
He snorts trying to stifle a laugh, "Don't be so nervous, I was just sharing. And I really like being a nurse. I get to help people like you. But I'd still love to see your videos."
I grab my phone from the table and open the app and click on one of my most recent songs and hand the phone to Chan.
I observe his reactions as he watches the video and can't hide my joy when his eyes light up.
When he finishes the video, he looks me in the eyes and hands me back the phone.
"That was beautiful, y/n."
Although I don't show my face in videos because I'm self conscious, I really enjoy the recognition.
"Thank you Chan, I glad you liked it and, to be honest, relieved. I was scared that you wouldn't." I sigh in relief.
"Not like this? That's impossible! It's so well written and illustrated, not to mention your gorgeous voice!" he rants.
I begin to blush at his words of recognition and reassurance.
"Haha, well to bad I'll probably have to go on a haitus because of these damn weak lungs." I chuckle, giving Chan a bitter smile.
"Why would you have to stop?" Chan asked, his brows furrowed.
"Because of my lungs? Do you like, not know why I'm here?" I say sarcastically.
"Oh! If that's what you're worried about, it's not really a problem! I did research on your condition and singing is actually a great exercise! It's probably why your lungs are stronger and you couldn't tell they were damaged in the first place!"
"For real? Like, no joke? You're not playing a sick joke on me?" I prod cautiously.
"Of course I'm telling the truth! Why would I lie to a girl as pretty as you?" he smirks.
"Oh shut up, or I'll have to fight you this time." I chuckle.
"Then I guess I'd better stop cuz you'd definitely win." he teases.
I flop back onto the bed and give Chan I soft smile. He falls back to join me and we're face to face. Our eyes meet and I watch as his trail down to my lips. I close my eyes, giving in to the moment.
"Get up loser, we're going shopping." Mia yells as she enters the room.
Chan and I both shoot up at her unexpected appearance and my cheeks flush with embarrassment as I realize what had happened. We almost kissed.
Mia pauses, observes us both and raises an eyebrow, "What did I miss? Anything fun?"
I rack my brain for an explanation but even I didn't quite have one. I had no idea what had happened. In the heat of the moment we has almost, kissed. I had almost let him, a boy I just met, kiss me, who just got out of a five year relationship.
"Y/n was just showing me her channel and some of her music." Chan explains, running his fingers through his hair nervously.
From the corner of my eyes I see his ears burning a bright red.
Mia doesn't prod further, seemingly satisfied with his explanation, and adds onto his new conversation, "You've listened to my baby's music? I'm the producer! You know none of the listeners have seen her face right? Gosh, now you're gonna have to marry her."
"Literally, shut up Mia. Now what were you saying about shopping?" I say changing the subject once more as my face heats up, yet again.
"Right!" she exclaims, "I nearly forgot!"
"As a part of your team I simply can't allow you to lose inspiration! So, I wanted to take you to pick up a few things for your art and then I can take you places that might inspire you." she explains giddily.
"That sounds like a great idea. No offense Chan but hospitals aren't the most inspiring." I chuckle.
He lets out an exaggerated sigh, "I suppose you're not wrong. If you don't mind, would it be weird if asked to tag along?"
Mia's eyes shoot to me knowingly, "Only if my main piece says it's okay."
She winks and blows a kiss in my direction and I swat it away, "I'd love to have you join Chan. When's your break?"
He smirks, "Actually I'm already off, I just couldn't bring myself to leave alone such a charming patient."
I feel my cheeks flush before Mia announces, "Then it's settled!"

Author's Notes

Sorry it took me so long to write the chapter. I just haven't been feeling really motivated up until now but I hoped you liked this chapter. I feel like they definitely come out better when I'm in the mood to write them and I hope that passion shows. :D
Thank you for reading and stay safe. <3

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