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Me, Leah and the other students were crammed in the gym ready for them to announce who our dates are going to be

"Hello students how are you. Today we are going to show you your final assigment as seniors, other then making the final exam to graduate you have to go to prom with the dates that will now be assigned to you randomly"

The game is that everyone puts his name and the name of a boy they want to be their date and they will pick randomly who will go with who

Name after name rolled out of the Principal's mouth, I didn't hear my name yet.

I saw the look on the other students' faces some were happy, some were disappointed and others didn't give a shit.

"Y/n Y/f/n" the principal said

And now since I heared my name I was 100 percent focused and ready to hear what will come out of his mouth

"She will be escorted by" he continued the paused to read the name

"Paul Wesley"

I looked at leah shocked. I got the person that I was trying to avoid

"Leah Wasilewski, she will be escorted by Jackson Baldwin"

"It's like we are on a double date" leah tried to cheer me up

"A double date with my crush and boyfriend. I hate my life"

"You have to talk to your parents"

"I know I'll do it tonight after I return from your house"

"What are you going to do in my house"

"Confront Paul with the truth"

After school ended me and leah walked to her house together

When we got in I saw Paul and we stayed frozen in our places for a few minutes; he was shocked to see me.

"What did you come to do here ? Rant about your love life with Jackson" he asked a bit disappointed

"No I came here to rant about my love to you Paul. I lied; I was scared, I like you Paul, I even love you, you make me feel strange feelings that even Jackson don't make me feel this way"

Paul stayed silent not saying a word

"Just say something"

Suddenly I felt his soft lips on mine, and I kissed back

"What about Jackson"

"I'm going to break up with Jackson in the time my parents see right. Today Leah's pep talk made me realize that if my parents love me they'll accept me with anyone"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"You're my date to prom" I said smiling at him

"Really" he said then picked me up and spun me around

"Really" he said then picked me up and spun me around

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Love At First Sight ✈︎ Paul WesleyWhere stories live. Discover now