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"So like, you just ran away?"

     I shrugged at Julie, taking a sip of the coffee I had ordered. The cup was warm against my hands, proving a sense of comfort. "I guess. I just had enough." I replied, looking up at her. 
     She huffed. "And you think they won't look for you?" She asked, glancing down at my phone, which was buzzing with texts and missed calls.  I looked down and turned it off, not bothering to check the messages. "No. I'm done. I turned my location off, and I know you won't snitch." I replied, rolling my eyes.
     "Look, Echo-" "No. its okay. Really, I know you care but I just... I just can't live like that anymore, ok? I can't live constantly being compared to- to her." I said quietly. "She's everything to them, and they can't just... expect me to turn around and act exactly like her. It's not fair."
    Julie looked at me with pity in her eyes, a look I hated.  I hated being pitied. It was awful. "Echo, your sister may have good grades but she's a terrible person.  All she does is spread hate. Why would you want to be like that?" She asked, knitting her brows together.  "I don't. And thats the problem. They don't see all the horrible shit she's done, they only care that she's got all A's and that she's pretty."
     "They tell me 'Why not study harder, like Scarlett. She's got better grades than you.' or 'why not ask Scarlett for help on looking more presentable. She's prettier and could help you look semi decent.' Like what the hell? I'm not some- some lower level of her I'm me. I'm a human being and I'm different like everyone else and its just- they don't understand." I cried, ignoring the looks some of the other customers gave us from their tables.  Julie sighed, looking down at the table then back at me.
     "I would offer you a place to stay but... you know how my parents are. They'll just call yours." I nodded in understanding. "I know. That's why I'm asking..." I trailed off.  Julie never really liked Josh, said he was no good. But we understood each other, and he was there for me the night everything went wrong. "You're asking?..." Julie prompted me to continue, raising her brows in question. "I'm asking Josh." I said quickly, already bracing for the outburst.
     "Josh? Are you kidding me?  He's bad news, why do you keep hanging out with him?" Julie asked, obviously angry at my response.  "He's the only other option I have. Besides, you know, sleeping in an alleyway and getting murdered.  I don't have a car." I replied, wincing at her harsh tone. "And besides, you might not like him, but he's sweet once you get to know him. And you know what he's done for me." I tried, smiling lightly at my friend.
      "Fine. But call me if he tries anything. I got a flamethrower in my garage." I laughed, shaking my head. "Alright Juls." I smiled, rolling my eyes. 
     It was time to take charge of my life.  No one was going to tell me who I was supposed to be again. And no one could stop me.

......Except maybe the police.

OH UM HI A BOOK???? idk where this is going. That was all off the top of my head and its really bad so like oops.  I might go back and edit it later.

I'm not gonna promise an upload schedule, I'll probably just write whenever an idea pops into my head and who knows when that will be.

I WILL promise to TRY and post a new chapter every week though.

Anyways I hope you liked it. It's something new, not like a fanfiction or anything, I'm not good at those haha😅

Anyways I'll see you soon??

Bye loves💖


Cover by hero_you_deserve ❤️

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