Chapter One

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"Deep breaths. You can do this. Just knock." I said to myself, lookin looking up at the door in front of me. Julie had thankfully dropped me off at Josh's house.
"Even if I'm not happy about it I'll at least make sure you get there safely." She had said. I took a deep breath then raised my fist to the door, tapping on it rhythmically. The door opened and I was met with a boy around my age. He was fairly taller, and had brown, fluffy hair, which had purple running through it. His brown eyes bore into mine as he offered me a kind smile.
"Echo. Hey. Glad you got here safely. Come in." Josh opened the door fully, allowing me to step inside. "Hey, thanks again." I said, smiling up at him. He took my bags from my hands, shrugging. "It's no big deal. My parents are away for the next week on a business trip so we've got the place to ourselves. I'll show you the guest room." I thanked him and followed him up the stairs, silently chuckling at family photos and pictures of when he was younger. "This is it. My room is down the hall if you need anything. Make yourself at home." Josh said, putting my bags next to the bed. "Thank you, Josh. Really." He nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.
I sighed as I sat down on the bed. Taking my phone out, I saw even more missed messages from my parents, telling me to come home. I rolled my eyes, groaning as I saw even Scarlett had tried calling me. "God, leave me alone." I mumbled, turning my phone off once more. "Echo? I'm ordering Chinese food if you want any." Josh said, opening the door a jar. "Uh yeah. You still remember my order?" I teased. "You mean your gross noodles? Yeah." He said. "They aren't gross, you just lack an actual taste." I shot back, laughing. "Yeah yeah, one order of gross noodles coming up." He said, rolling his eyes playfully and shutting the door behind him.
Josh was nice. He was loving and funny. Sure, he had a tough persona when you first meet him, and he might not always be the most understanding but we've always been there for each other. We had met when I was a freshman, and when he was a sophomore. I had been under a streetlight on a bench at the park. It was the middle of the night, and I was upset, because some boys had said some things and what my parents had been saying had gotten to me and I was overwhelmed. I felt so alone. But then Josh had found me. He was out for a walk, or thats what he told me, when he found me. He sat next to me and asked me what was wrong. I told him, and he just told me that my parents were wrong, and that boys were stupid. He didn't even know me but he gave me his jacket, and let me cry into his shirt.
He dried my tears and told me I was perfect the way I was, and that I was better than they would ever be. He told me I wasn't just some little princess that had to stay quiet and do what I was told. He told me I was aloud to be upset. And we had stuck together ever since. He's always been there for me ever since that day, and I've always been there for him. He made me realize that day that I didn't need to be like the girls in movies or books. He let me realize I don't need a prince, or a superman to make me feel better. After that night he made me promise that I would never let people tell me what I should be. And I did.
And I still do. My parents can't control me anymore, no matter how much they want to. I am not some video game character that they can customize to be what they want. I'm not a little girl anymore.

And I'm done believing in fairytales.

Aight I'm not satisfied with this and i might edit it a ton later but like i was bored and this was all off the top of my head. Also i hope you guys like this so far, even though we're two parts in 😅

As of right now I don't really know where I'm going with this, but soon I'll probably have a set storyline in place. I'm kinda just experimenting right now.

Please let me know what you think so far and how I can improve!! (I'm a sensitive little bitch tho so please be nice lol)

I'll see you soon!

Bye loves💖-


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