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This beautiful cover is made by girlinthelights

So the chap is dedicated to her

Author's pov

Abhiman and the girl both go outside and find the main door of the Palace closed. No one is present there as well.

"what the fuck? How can they leave me here alone?" Abhiman cursed loudly

"kuwar sa ap chinta na kare hum piche ke raste se jaate hai,(prince, don't get tensed. We will go through the back side)" the girl said

And Abhiman realised that with him she is here as well and they have the Back door of the Palace.

They both went there and found it closed.

"Now who the hell did it?" Abhiman screamed in frustration

"I don't know," the girl mumbled scared

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream," Abhiman apologies

"it's ok kuwar sa don't apologise to me and make me a sinner, it's not your fault but mine. I should not have brought you with me," the girl said and Abhiman shook the eerie Feeling he got when she said the same words as the girl in his dreams

"no it's not your fault but mine and my groups. How can they leave me here?" Abhiman said and brought his phone and much to his bad luck his phone has no network

"freaking great now I can't even call anyone." He muttered

"kuwar sa soon it will dark we should go inside where I can lit the fire sticks," The girl said and Abhiman nodded knowing very well that tonight he had to spend here with her because no one is going to come here at night time

They both went inside and the girl used the match sticks to light the fire sticks.

She lit one as there isn't much of it available.

"kuwar sa will you like to sit over the pond side?" the girl asked

"hmm," Abhiman hummed

They both sat there in silence. Abhiman was thinking how can Pankti leave him behind. She gets restless whenever she doesn't find him or he doesn't take her calls.

He should feel hungry as he only has his breakfast but surprisingly he didn't feel hungry a bit.

"Your wish came true, kuwar , as you wanted my company in the night time in this place and see we are here, maybe the ghost fulfills your wish." the girl said trying to lighten the atmosphere

Abhiman chuckles a little hearing her indeed his wish get fulfilled.

" Do you believe in ghosts? Aren't you afraid to be here at night time? "Abhiman asked as he was feeling extremely bored

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