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Author's pov

Abhimanyu and Aparajita have left the Palace and are living outside as a commoner.

Abhimanyu was trained to stay in any disguise without getting caught so it wasn't a big deal for him. Neither Aparajita felt any problems because from her childhood she hasn't got any kind of luxury; it's her teenage when she got everything.

They both work together. Abhimanyu worked in a shop and Aparajita worked as a cook in the same persons house

Abhimanyu has to take a fake get up to not get caught by the commoners and Aparajita hasn't any problems as no one saw her.

But she still used a veil to cover her face like any other married woman.

2 months have passed like that and no one came for them.

King was getting restless day by day because he thought that his son can't live without the Palace luxury so he will come back soon but 2 months passed and he didn't come back.

King Bhanu pratap is also bugging him about the alliance but he can't do anything.

After thinking a lot he sent his wife's to make him ready to come back.

All three queens dressed up as normal ladies and went where they both were.

King has every news of them

"Abhimanyu" Aradhana called her son making both of them look at the ladies

Abhimanyu felt so happy to see them there. But then he remembered what they did 2 months back and the smile died on his face.

"Ranisa ap yaha? Aiye na,"(You are here queen? Please come) Aparajita said but except Aradhana no one smiled at her

"Ranisa ap yaha? Aiye na,"(You are here queen? Please come) Aparajita said but except Aradhana no one smiled at her

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Her look 👆

Her look 👆

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