The sleeper

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Bon, il est temps d'essayer de balancer un poème avec un anglais potable, bonne lecture!

Midnight. A simple word that scare many people
Midnight. A gamble loss among the crowl
A sigh. Just enough to be reassured
A sigh. Not enough to be secure

I wonder if I can run, run until she leaves me
I wonder if I can leave, leave to see her came to me

On her bed I left her, to let her rest
On her deathbed I left her, because today she left

With a morbid gait I sink into the forest,
huge and sordid, I no longer intend to rest.
I’m out, and can’t go out of my chest,
No doubt, today i also want to rest

The raven looked at me, I know for what he was there
And the trees expected me, to dive in a nightmare

That’s for what I’m here, I’m looking for her silk touch
And her wise, as an ancient lore made me clutch

While walking, I can hear the bark tapping
and I wrought up my mind to, in this forest, keep going
I’m not scared even if, silently, I keep crying
But the idea to find her is for me beguiling

The stones lining the ground lead me nowhere,
A forest, two paths, I'm no longer aware
I walk, I crack, Oh god just show me where
I can't, I pass, silently I feel her flair

Nor creepy, nor anxiogenic
The leaves whistle to dive me into panic

I look for. I can't find it.
What am I looking for?
I don't know.
Precisely, I don't want to admit what I am looking for. But I have to.

I admit, I am looking for a lost love...
She left. Him with.
She stole it like a thieve

So now, I'm looking for a better world,
much better.
My empty eyes full of tears no longer make me a believer

The day rises to replace the night, I lost the faith, I lost my life, I am the sleeper...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 01, 2020 ⏰

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