The Many Errors Of Kara Danvers

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(Y/n) paced back and forth anxiously, she'd been wearing a hole in the floor of Alex's office ever since Alex had dragged her there.

How could Lena have disappeared?


"This was the whole reason why I moved here!" (Y/n) said frustrated with the course of events. "To keep her out of trouble!" 

What was it with that woman that she encountered such misfortune and bad luck so frequently?

"Unfortunetly, trouble seems to find Lena." Alex sighed. 

Kara had told them when she had calmed down enough how she'd gone to Lena's office to have lunch together since Connor came along, it was getting harder to have time alone.

Instead, Kara had found her office empty and a suspiciously ominous note on her desk.

"Just calm down." Alex finally said, blocking (Y/n) from marching further, reaching for her hands. Alex held them in her own and looked deeply into her wife's eyes. "We are old pros at this, don't worry."

"I'm not worrying, I know who is at the bottom of this." (Y/n) said, raising her voice; it was the same person who was responsible every single time Lena came into danger.

"Lex," Kara said knowingly. It was as plain as the nose on her face; whenever Lena befell near-death or kidnap, it was either Morgan Edge or her delightful elder brother.

(Y/n) nodded as Alex got that familiar knot in her stomach as she watched the look her wife and sister shared. "Now both of you calm down, we don't know anything yet it's too early."

Alex needed to stop something before it got out of hand. They needed to think logically at this time, not go off on a rage-filled tirade.

"Sorry, Alex, but I'm not prepared to wait," Kara told her sister firmly.

"I'm with Kara." (Y/n) nodded her gaze directed at her cousin, whoever was responsible for Lena's disappearance, this time, would pay.

Lex Luthor would be their first visit, that shiny cue ball knew something, and the two supers were determined to get it out of him.

Alex found herself in a position she hadn't seen herself before. She was the calm one and not the one going out gung-ho using violence for answers, just yet anyway.

Alex found herself amazed for a moment, she had matured, and she had no idea when it had happened.

Seeing the determination in her wife and sisters' eyes, Alex let out a long exasperated breath. "Fine, but there is no way I am letting you two go and interrogate Luthor, (Y/n) you go and check out Lena's office, you may be able to find something."

(Y/n)'s face fell. "What, why can't I go?"

Alex shrugged her shoulders and, with her finger, hit her wife on the nose. "Because I'm your boss."

"Fine, but I make no promises that I will not charge in that place and shove bald his head up his ginormous ass and make him wear his asshole as a wig!" (Y/n)'s promise made Alex pause for thought, that was precisely the kind of thing she would endorse later, much later when they had found Lena. The mess was sorted. Alex would have to tell (Y/n) how absolutely perfect they were for each other.

"Good idea." Kara supplied seriously. "I'll see to that." No one harms my Lena.


(Y/n) waited for no invitations before she barged into Lena's office at L-Corp, set on finding evidence. (Y/n) did not expect to see was the scene that met her.

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