Chapter 4

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"Number 9990. State name and ability ." A female voice awokened me. It was loud, strict, in control, and something about it sounded ... evil. I took it as a sign not to open my eyes. Instead I observed what I could of my current state. I was laying on my back and though I didn't dare move, I could tell I was strapped down and that scared me. People only strap people down when they don't want them ecaping. So what was I not supposed to escape from?

"London Vascow. Ability telekinesis." Another female voice spoke in reply. Her voice was calmer, but what she was saying didn't make any sense to me. Ability telekinesis? Where was I ?

"Take Mr. Vascow to Sector 5 to begin his sessions." The first voice spoke again. Sessions? What did she mean by sessions?

"Right away Ms.Swauve." The sound of wheels moving across the floor rolled out of the room. They where taking that person somewhere. Some Sector 5 place. Why? What were they going to do and was I next?

"Number 9991." What happens when she calls my number? Do I get rolled away too? I tried my best to keep my mind under control. The last thing I wanted was for them to realize I was awake. There's no telling what would become of me then. I slightly opened my eyes, making sure that my eyelids didn't twitch. The room was brightly lit with white light that bounced around the white room. Beds , some empty, lined the walls and strapped down on them were kids. They looked unconscious and I hoped they were just sleep. Beside the occupied beds were men and woman all in white nurse uniforms. They stood with their hands at their sides. I rolled my eyes to my left and beside me was a man in a black suit. His eyes were a bright hazel and something about them scared me. It felt as if I was being pulled into a trance. And that's definitely something I do not want to be pulled into. I quickly turned away for fear he could feel my eyes on him. I returned my gaze back to the lifeless men and woman. Their attention stayed on the lady I assumed was Ms. Swauve. I began to turn away as something shiny caught my eye. Refocusing my sight on the female guarding the bed across from me, I noticed it was a badge. It was hard to make it out, but I knew something was odd about it. I looked around to see if anyone else had one and shockingly , they were gone.

"Number 1000. State name and ability." She'd been calling names all this time and I'd hadn't notice. I was too busy worrying about badges. I peeked back at the woman across from me expecting to see her preparing to roll her patient out of the room, but then I noticed ... there wasn't anybody on that bed. I was the last one here. I ... I was next. I could feel the blood thumping in my temples. The fear rushing through my veins. I began breathing heavily and I didn't care to stop. Whatever they were going to do was going to happen and I doubt waking up could prevent it.

"Serifina Aubrey," I froze. My name felt like a dagger in my side as she spoke. What were they going to do?

"Ability pyroteknisis." I flinched at his words. He knew. They knew. But how could they? I've been hiding it so well. Been choosing what I say and what I do so caefully. I have been doing so well at blending in. So how is it possible that these complete stangers could know? My mind began quickly filling up with theories and conspiracys. The government has been watching me. Maybe the F.B.I forced my mother to tell them. The more I thought the more I scared myself. And this was not the moment to be scared.

"P-pyroteknisis? How ... odd," I opened my eyes nice and wide. I didn't care if they saw me. I couldn't help it. I was strapped down in some top secret hideout and people in lab coat knew my only and darkest secret. I watched the woman closely as she began pacing in a circle. Her reaction frightened me even more. She was shocked. Nobody is ever shocked about anything about me. Why wasn't she calm like she was with the other kids.

"Ms. Swauve are you okay?" I slightly jerked as the sound of his voice startled me. It wasn't deep and strict like I expected but, mellow and calm.

"Yes I am. You need not to worry about my state of mind. I'm just ... thinking about a few inconspicuous things." She turned and faced the man, leaning against the white bare marble wall a her fingers rubbed her temples.

"What would you like for me to do with her?" Do with me? Why wasn't I being rolled out the room to some Sector like everyone else? Questions filled my head and it hurt not to know the answers to them. What was wrong with me ? I couldn't even be kidnapped properly. Kidnapped. The realization of what was going on made me want to scream. Run. Run is what I needed to do. I needed to get out of here and fast before they get to do anything with me. But not now. Now is not the right time. I'll let them use me. I'll play there games. And once I have them at the ends of my fingertips, I'll take my chance and I won't be turning back.

"Take her to Department 9. This ones special." I shut my eyes and felt the man grip the side rail of the bed and the vibrations as the wheels rolled across the ground as I was pushed out of the room. I didn't know what this Department 9 place was, but I was mentally prepared for whatever they threw at me.

*Sorry for the short chapter, I was trying to quickly update but, I will add a continued part to this chapter soon~~~~ Marquise

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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