[Chekov] Pasha

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  Your body is craving for a rest. Fatigue had seized your senses. Your limbs are numb and the coldness penetrates itself into the tiniest gaps of your coats. It is hard to stay conscious. But you knew that you would die if you fail to maintain yourself and keep your mind awake.

  Every breath that you breathe spread into the atmosphere, forming small clouds of steam. You gaze at it, idly. It would be okay to die during the mission. Joining the Starfleet was the wish of your life and you were happy, as you did achieve it.

  However the real nature of the human race is their desires, the desires which follows one another. Which increases one by one.
  In mortal danger, who you are thinking of is your best friend Pavel. Pavel Chekov. He was the same age as you. Although you worked at different divisions you were very close, because you have known each other since you were at the Starfleet Academy.
  You liked him. He was kind, intelligent and knew how to listen. When you suffered from something he used to sit there and listen to you. He didn't say anything particular but he thought the same way as you so you two understood each other so well.
  Eventually, you ended up loving him. Of course he didn't know. And you missed him so much. He was now your only desire. If you died now you wouldn't regret anything but not telling Pavel that you loved him. You missed his warmth, his big round eyes which used to reflect you, his voice and accent which used to make you laugh, his hair, curly hair which felt great when you ran your fingers through it.
  You are crying. Why didn't you tell Pavel when you could? You have been so stupid. He would be so worried and that is heartbreaking. Your communicator doesn't work and you know it, but you still talk to it. You confess your feelings to Pavel who wouldn't be able to hear it forever. But if not now, you wouldn't be able to do it forever. You can see your death coming to you. You try not to cry, and bring some words out from your mouth.
  "Pavel, I don't know if you can hear me or not. Probably not. But I am still saying it...that I love you. I regret it so much that I was being a coward and couldn't tell you. If I did, would our relationship change? I was scared because I thought you might not want me as a girlfriend but a best friend. But it seems like this is the last words that I would ever be able to tell you. So here it is - I loved you, I love you and I will love you. Always, my Pasha."
  You feel tear running down your face. You step a step into the snow and fall into the dark pit. You scream.
  And see something very surprising.
  The golden rings are around you, which only can be explained as transporter beam.
  'But, the communicator was not working- that means they can't track me! How can it be?' You think.
  Before you get the answer for the question, you realize that you are not falling anymore. You are lying on the floor. You see the familiar chamber. And Pavel.
  He runs to you as soon as he sees you and hugs you. His eyes tearful, he wraps his arms around you. How much did you miss him. Scotty, who still is sitting in front of the workbay, smiles at you.
  "Oh (Y/N), I was so worried, zat I might fail and not manage to beam you up...Zank God I did...it was wery lucky...if you didn't come back it would be terrible. Oh God......Zank God zat I can tell you zat I love you too..."
  Pavel tells you.
  You ask back.
  "Pavel, what did you just say?"
  "What? Zat it was wery lucky?"
  "No, the next bit."
  Pavel blushes hard. You blush too.
  "I...love you, (Y/N)."
  "Wait, did you hear me saying that to the communicator?"
  "Umm......Yes. Zat's why I was able to beam you up. The communicator worked at ze last second and I could track you at right timing."
  He looks into your eyes. You feel the familiar warmth spreading into your body, starting from where your heart is. You laugh softly and kiss Pavel on his lips. He freezes for a second but kisses you back.
  Scotty laughs awkwardly and you are separated because of captain and Doctor McCoy saying:
  "Well they ended up in good way, didn't they, mommy? Good young couple facing happy ending."
  "Yes, they look cute together but they have to be separated, I'm afraid. (Y/N) has to be treated at the Medbay right now. Sorry Pavel."
  You two laugh. You hold his hand, and you are escorted to the Medbay. Happy ending.
  This one is dedicated to cookidoughlilac ......She is amazing and ill right now. Get well soon! XD
  Any feedbacks are welcome via comment or direct messaging~ Apologies for any typos or grammar mistakes @_@

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