[Kirk] Longing

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  You ran into captain Kirk after your night shift, on the way back to your room. You said hello and he walked towards you. You then felt his warm hand underneath your chin. You were stood against the wall without noticing.

  And the captain kissed you.

  It is a rough kiss. It feels like he is sucking your soul up via your mouth. His hand, which once was wrapped around your face was now at the back of your neck. He held your wrist and placed your arms, which were now draped alongside your torso, around his neck. You could feel his another hand gently stroking your back, having a thin layer of fabric in between. You flinch and try to get away from him, but he is too strong. The arm wrapped around your waist doesn't let you go. The only thing that you can do is inhaling every time when captain's lips are detached from yours giving you the chance to breathe.

  The lips which moved in sync with the another pair of lips, slid down on the neck. You flinch again, as captain pulls the neckline if your uniform down and kisses your collar bone. It felt weird. You moan, and he smirks. The smirk is followed by an eye contact. Suddenly, you are looking right into his eyes.

  The iris' colour was dazzling blue, with darker blue lines spreading from the pitch-black pupil which was placed right in the middle of the iris, forming perfect circle. His eyes were beautiful.

  You gaze at his eyes. He smiles at you, plants a quick kiss on your lips and walks down the corridor, laughing, to the bridge. You stand there, looking at him, holding the neckline of your uniform which has been stretched.


  You rubbed the kiss mark on your collarbone. You closed your eyes. The hands which were placed on your skin, the lips which moved in sync, the tongues which touched each other, the sound of his breathing which rang right by your ears, the smile of his, and finally, the blue eyes which rested on your face. They all were floating in your mind.

  Why didn't you pulled away from him?

  You didn't know.

  Why did he kiss me in the first place?

  You didn't know that.

  Why weren't you feeling offended despite the kiss wasn't expected nor agreed?

  You didn't know that either.

  The first ever kiss of yours was packed with questions.





  You were cleaning the cabinets of the Medbay. And your mind was still occupied with the captain, the kiss, and the question.


  You picked up a scalpel from the drawer and scrubbed it a few times absentmindedly. Out of sudden, you feel the warm liquid running down your fingertip. And the metallic smell. Then, you see the fresh blood tinting the snow-white sheet of the bed.


  Doctor McCoy, who just walked in, sees your cut finger and almost freaks out.

  "(Y/N), are you out of your mind?" He exclaims.

  "Doctor McCoy..." You answer, vaguely.

  "You can't handle the scalpel thoughtlessly, can you? You've cut your damn finger! Were you thinking of your secret crush or something like that?"

  "No..." You wince as he presses your finger to stop the bleeding. Then you have something sliding by in your mind.

  "But it is something similar to that."

  "Damn it, (Y/N), I'm a doctor, not a relationship counselor."

  "But Doctor McCoy, you are like......the closest friend to the captain, aren't you?"

  "I'd say so."

  "It's about him..."

  You take a deep breath, and tell him-

  Captain kissed me. Yesterday.

  Doctor McCoy drops his tray with the bloody bandage. It makes a well loud noise, and you flinch. He looks very surprised. He shouts; "He did what?"








  You nervously fidget with the mug that you have in your hands. You look up, at doctor McCoy, then the captain. Your eyes meet, and you quickly look back down at your mug, startled.

  "So, Jim, if (Y/N) is not lying to me, it is true that you kissed her, yesterday, after the night shift, at the corridor. Is it real or not real?"


  "Why did you ever do that to that innocent girl? You bloody-" Doctor McCoy shouted as he adjusted the hypospray, glaring at captain.

  "Wait, Bones, it was an accident, I couldn't just resist, I have been loving her for like ages, and I just bumped into her yesterday, alone in the corridor, no, wait, Bones, mommy, no, oh for God's sake, please don't use the hypo, put it down, put it down and listen-"

  "Captain, what did you just say?"

  You blurt out, unaffected, gaping at captain. He blushes, and doctor McCoy slapped him hard in the back. Captain moaned, but he soon looked right into your eyes, saying:

  "(Y/N), I love you. It has been quite a long time waiting. Will you be my girlfriend?"

  "Holy Fuck with a capital F." Doctor McCoy murmurs and grits his teeth.


  Wow. So this was it.

  You now realize what the reason that you didn't feel offended; you were wanting it in the deep corner of your mind! It wasn't just a longing, it was love!

  You flush hard (your face feels like it is going to burst in three seconds if captain said one more word) and nod, which could be barely seen. Captain beams at you and tries to kiss you, but doctor McCoy holds him back by shooting hypo at the back of his neck, growling:

  "Jim, don't you dare ditching her because at that case I am going to kill you. You are treating my adjutant well. And (Y/N), if that kid makes you cry just come and tell me, I'll bloody-"

  Captain howls with pain and embraces you, wrapping his arms around you. You burst into laughter, and ask your new boyfriend if you could call him Jim from now on. He nods, and you quickly peck him on the cheek.

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