[McCoy] The Past Cannot Be Redone (Christmas)

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  The Enterprise was filled with festive atmosphere. Even in the engineering sector. You had gone down to check how Scotty was doing. Lighthearted noise filled the chamber as Scotty opened another bottle of Whisky. Generally it was okay. However, you felt something making the hair at the back of your neck rise.

  "What's the matter, love?"

  McCoy whispered as he hugged you from the back, making you jump. You winked, and kissed him on the cheek. Nothing was making you afraid while you were with Leonard. Nothing.

  "Nothing, just random thing. Never mind."

  "Good. It's Christmas, we have to go to the Bridge before Jim goes absolutely crazy; it seems like he has gone back through time to when he was a cadet."

  He chuckled, and you laughed too. As you were standing under the bunch of mistletoe, Leonard kissed you and you almost swoon. How much did you love this man! You feel his arm around your waist. You breath out - "Leonard, I love you so much."

  He tries to kiss you on the lips but is stopped as the whole ship shakes. You were separated from him. Alarms blare, and flame explodes around you.

  And you realize.

  You were trapped.


 Leonard McCoy struggled. He had to save his dearest, who was standing among the burning debris.

  You stood there, surrounded by flame. You stood still, talking, so calm that nobody would believe that you were just few minutes away from the end.

  They knew that McCoy couldn't save you so they held him, and tried to take him away. For the last time, you looked at Kirk, screaming in silence;.'Take him away from me, I am not going to let him put himself in danger.'

  The heat was appalling. Feeling the flame starting to touch your skin you blinked your eyes, trying to conceal the tear.

  "Leonard, look at me." He looks up at you.

  "Can you hear me?"

  He nods and tries to speak.

  "I...I will help you out there. (Y/N), wait, I'll come. Don't worry."

  He tries to get Kirk off him and come towards you. You exclaim.

  "No! Don't. Don't move. Don't."

  You stretch your arm out, keeping him away. You feel the tear runing down your face. Your vision is blurred. Your instincts were telling that it was your last chance to tell him.

  "Leonard, I-I..."

  You stuttered. That happened all the time when you were scared. It was the slightest change but he recognized it.

  "You are scared, (Y/N). I am coming. I am."

  'No.' You think. 'You'll put yourself  into danger.'

  "It's okay, Leonard. I am not scared. I...I am just..."

  "(Y/N), No!" Leonard exclaims, as he sees the flame licking your skin.

  It was weird; you did not feel any pain. You were somehow very calm; and you managed to say the last few words.

  "Goodbye, Leonard, my...love."

  You felt the tear running down your face, and evaporating instantly because of the heat. You closed your eyes as the flame engulfed you.

  It was the end.



  It was the Christmas day. Scotty sang with a bottle of whisky in his hands. McCoy sat there with a glass of on-the-rock. It was the most festive day of all but also the most painful day; the day that he had to say goodbye to his love, who sacrificed herself to save his life.

  What would she say, if she saw him right now? She probably would tell him to enjoy and be festive. She would tell him that she was gone and he had to move on. 

  "Bones, you thinking of (Y/N) again?"

  Kirk put his hand on McCoy's shoulder. The accident three years ago had not fade from the memories.

  "She wouldn't want you like this, you know, she would want you strong and standing against the hard times."

  McCoy nodded and drank from the glass. Maybe it was time to let go. Not to forget, but let her...go. He gazed through the wide glass in the front of the bridge; the past cannot be redone. Despite the losses, the alive ones had to carry on and move on. They had to cling on the lives.

  "Time to let go."

  McCoy closed his eyes. It seemed as if (Y/N) was whispering to him from distance. That she loved him, but it was the time to let her go.

  "Goodbye, (Y/N), my dearest."


To be perfectly honest, this was to be uploaded on the Christmas Day, but I couldn't manage it; I was to busy planning my trip to Cardiff. Been to the Doctor Who Experience -  It is awesome. Oh, I surely have been missing the capital of Wales. 

I'll try to come up with another oneshot soon; might start writing Spirk Fanfiction. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes. Hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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