5: Hunting elephants

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"Heaven is a place on earth with you,"

- bazzi, 'live forever'

"....so obviously Diego will feel jealous and fall for me all over again and will beg to be with me again, pretty smart, ain't it?" I exaggerated to a now flabbergasted Bryson.

"Jasmine, for a really intelligent girl, that is thee dumbest idea you've ever came up with." he face palmed.

"What do you mean? It's a perfect plan to be honest. You remember that Netflix documentary I told you to watch? The professor guy mentioned that primal instinct is that when people realize they have competition for a mate, the mate becomes more desirable," I said crossing my legs on my rooms couch.

"Did you even try watching it?"

"Nope. I'm not a nerd. Plus you're playing with Javadd's feelings and girl, I know you ain't dumb enough to believe your ass ain't gon' fall for Javadd." He put his game controller down.

"Bro, just put your pride aside and ask Diego out. It's that simple." He said facing me.

"Nah. That's not my style." I shrugged.
"Jasmine does not beg for a guy, it's the other way around." I stated.

"You're stubborn." He frowned.

"I'm a Taurus." I simply stated.

"Yeah, of course you're gonna blame a star sign for you being a bitch," he said already backing away because he knew I would hit him.

I then reached out to his tall figure and then tugged at his hair harshly and then he responded with an 'ow'. He then shoved me back simply, with no effort at all and then I landed on the rugged floor with an 'oof' still frowning at him.

"Ugh," Bryson mocked.

Now we were both sitting on the floor and my ass hurt from the compact.

"Your plan is a disaster, I guarantee you that. So we can put something on the table so I can be able to say, 'I told you so' without actually saying it" He explained.

"Okay but this means you gotta support this whole plan and cover me up too. Cause that's what actual best friends do," I said scowling at him.

"Okay. Fine. But if Javadd finds out or if you end up falling for him, you give up coffee for a whole month," he smirked.

"You devil," I gasped dramatically "You can't do that,"

"Actually, I can. If you have faith in your so called perfect plan." He sat back, his hands across his chest.

"Okay three weeks at least, and we have a deal," I argued.

Coffee was my everything and I would not cut back on it no matter what happened. And since I had so much faith in my plan, I bet on it. This would definitely work.

"Yeah, deal."
"Wait, so what's in it for you?" I asked.
"I dunno, you decide," he shrugged.
"You give up weed for a month," I stated.

I liked to think of Bryson as a major pothead because he seemed to simply exist on cannabis the way I did with caffeine.

"You're acting as if I don't plug you, but okay." He scoffed.

It was true to some extent, I would go to his house for 'study sessions' every once in a while to blow off some steam (Literally) so he had a fair point.

"Alrighty then," I said standing up to put some music.
I went through my music and then selected Travis Scott's 'Butterfly effect'.

We then continued playing Mortal Combat as we had no other way to waste our Friday afternoon.

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