25 ~ A Broken Connection

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"Boom baby!" Louis shouted as he bopped the beach ball hard into the air. After a few drinks and a slice of cake, the kids found themselves in the pool. Among Lou was Brody, Clem and Mitch playing beach ball volleyball in the water, but mainly they were just spiking it at each other.

After Brody passed the ball to Clementine, Louis turned to Soph and Marlon, who were busy lounging on the deck chairs. "You two ladies gonna join us or just sit there all night," he teased with a boyish smile.

"I'll pass for now. Think I ate and drank a little too much," Marlon replied, clutching his arm over his stomach.

Sophie pondered the invitation before answering. "I suppose I wouldn't mind a cool dip in the pool." She stood up and walked inside the house to change into her bathing suit.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" the dreadlocked man stated. "Marlon, you're truly the definition of loser." The blonde rolled his eyes and continued to watch his friends try and murder each other with the beach ball.

Several minutes passed before Sophie came back out in her sun yellow two-piece. She carefully lowered herself into the pool, only to receive a hard hit in the head. "Hey, I wasn't ready!" the redhead claimed to Clementine, the culprit.

"Now you'll be for next time," she responded with a chuckle.

Sophie bopped it to Mitch, who spiked it to Brody, who Brody ultimately threw at Clementine. "By the way," the redhead began as she treaded water, "where the hell is Vi? I know you said she'd be late, but I don't want her to miss the entire party."

"Last I heard she was helping her mother," Clementine stated, a look of slight concern painting her face. "I'll give her a call." She slowly lifted herself up out of the pool and walked over to her chair, drying herself with a towel. Her hands then reached down and clasped her phone, but it suddenly rang before she had the chance to call Violet.

"Hello?" she uttered.

"Is this Clementine Everett?" an unknown voice inquired from her.

"Uh, yes? Can I ask who this is?" With all the commotion going on from the kids in the pool, the brunette waltzed her way inside the house and shut the slide door to drown out the noise.

"Clementine, I'm calling to inform you that Violet Adlon has been in a car accident. Her injuries are quite severe, and I think you should get to Richmond Grace as soon as possible."

Clementine's eyes and mouth gaped widely, almost dropping her phone as she retained the words. She shakily covered her mouth with her hand as tears swelled her eyes. "Is.. is she okay? Is she going to die?" Clementine worriedly questioned.

"Like I said, her injuries are severe. I urge you to come see her now before she gets taken into surgery."

Clementine's entire body started to tremble. She clutched onto a nearby table to keep her from falling. "Okay," she said barely audibly. Once the line ended, she stared blankly at the floor as her world came crashing down.

I.. I can't breathe. I can't feel anything. Violet's been in a car accident, and she's going into surgery? Oh my god.. what if she- what if she doesn't make it? She has to. Our story isn't over yet. Violet please, hang on for me. I'm coming.

Moving at a slow pace to the door, Clem opened it gradually, tears still blurring her vision. The kids all turned and stared at her with a look of disquietude. None of them had to say anything to understand what was wrong.

"Violet, she-" Clementine choked. "She's been in a car crash."


After rushing to the hospital in a desperate attempt to see Violet, the kids entered inside the building and ran straight to one of the nurses typing away at her computer. She was slightly startled by the abrupt footsteps.

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