31 ~ It Was Always You and Me

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Two Days Before Graduation

"Can you believe it? We're fucking graduating in two days!" Brody exclaimed through the phone to Violet, who was on her way home to get ready for her and Clem's date tonight.

"Honestly I didn't think it would happen. I'm glad though. Once we graduate, Clem and I are going to move into a place together, or at least that's the plan."

"That's great! I know I've expressed it a lot, but I am so happy for you guys. You both deserve each other more than anything. I'm just happy she makes you happy. It looks good on you."

Violet couldn't help but smile as she drove home from her last class of college. Letting out a small laugh, she stated, "you make it sound like Clem and I are getting married."

"You should," Brody joked back. "I'd be the best maid of honor for you. I would do all of the scheduling, planning, invitations. Oh, and you know I'd throw the best bachelorette party for you."

"Okay, okay, getting a little ahead of yourself, Brody. You're welcome to help us move in though when we do."

Violet heard a sigh through the line, causing her to roll her eyes playfully. "I guess I can settle for that," the redhead teased.

"I'm about to be at the trailer, so I'll talk to you later," Violet announced while pulling into the trailer park.

"Alright. Oh! Have fun on your date with Clem! Make sure it's romantic!"

"You got it, boss," Vi teased. "Okay, see you later."

"Later, Vi."

As Violet hung up, she drove over to her trailer, where it's like she was having deja vu. Standing against the side of her car while occupied with staring at her phone was the same redhead whom Vi practically told to fuck off a few days ago. The blonde slowly pulled up and got out of her car, making her way to the crass girl.

"You just don't stop, do you?" Violet stated with an annoyed eye roll. "I am sick of you groveling every god damn chance you get."

"I didn't come here to grovel," Minerva spat back, turning her body to face Violet. "I came here to tell you that choosing Clementine is a mistake. You two are destined for failure."

The redhead gradually stepped closer, displaying her classic spellbinding stare and smile. "Come back to me, Vi. Remember all the good times we had together? Do you really want to forget all that?" Minerva obscenely remarked.

"I already have." As Violet opened her mouth again, another car pulled up, drawing Minerva and Vi's attention. Realizing who it was, Violet furrowed an eyebrow as the person met up with the two.

"Hey, I thought our date wasn't until seven?" Violet claimed with a smile.

"It is. I just couldn't wait to see you," Clementine informed, planting a quick kiss on Violet's lips. Once she fully became aware of her surroundings, she felt repugnance brewing inside her. "What the hell are you doing here?" the brunette questioned, closing the space between her and Minerva.

The girl deviously smirked. "I was just stopping by to, you know, say hi."

"She was just leaving," Violet boldly cut in.

"Fine. If that's what my Vi wants," the redhead taunted. As she began to walk to her car, Clem took one step forward and plastered a scowl across her complexion.

"Minerva, it's over!" Clementine shouted, regaining her attention. "We're done with all of your bullshit! You are a low-life scut who I wish would burn in hell. You had your chance. You had your chance to make this girl happy, and feel loved, and making her feel like the best god damn person on this planet, but you didn't care then, just like you don't now. You only want her so nobody else can and you can have what you want."

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