8. Bad habits

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So we continue with this book but just a quick note I will be stopping in chapter ten. 

Sometimes we reach a breaking point in our lives.

We wake up and realize instead of being happy, we’re miserable. Instead of calm and healthy, we’re living stressed-out, lethargic, zombie-like lives. What gives?!

Surprisingly, this is often the result of tiny common bad habits instead of in-your-face events.

And they have the potential to ruin good lives.

When we look at these small habits we think they don’t matter, but over time they compound to shockingly different outcomes. We must be aware of what they do to us.

So, below are ten common, yet harmful bad habits and how to fix them so your future looks healthy, happy and impactful. Don’t let these stump you today!

Meet Sarah. She’s an average middle-aged woman. She’s sweet in nature, and living life the best she knows how.

But she doesn’t realize that her phone addiction will take ten years from her life, or the pop she began consuming every day will mean she’s seventy-eight pounds heavier in five years. They are all seemingly harmless, yet common bad habits.

10 Common Bad Habits (and 10 solutions!)

Skimping on Sleep

Have you ever felt sick and unable to focus after sleeping less than you should? There’s a reason!

Studies show that sleep is CRITICAL for being at our best. Skimping on sleep can cause anything from depression to chronic disease.

Yet, adequate sleep helps you live longer, improves memory, and even sharpens focus and attention. Plus, it’s easier to stay at a healthy weight because we make better choices.

Rest and recovery are essential elements to being a great human being. Don’t neglect your sleep!

Solution: If sleep is a problem, develop a soothing routine before you hit the hay. Read a good book, write three things you’re grateful for, or enjoy an Epsom salt bath. Then go to bed thirty minutes before you normally would and enjoy better energy and health

Giving Your Phone Priority

The average person spends over four hours a day on their phone. In one year that’s over 56 days of your life spent scrolling your phone!

You had no real conversations during this time. No impactful work. No learning, growing, or nourishing your soul. Those hours are lost, never to be replaced.

We live in a time where it’s never been easier to live distracted. But if we let our phones own us, we dramatically minimize the beauty in our lives.

Solution: Put your phone away several times throughout your day. Decide on a spot in a drawer, and set an alarm for yourself if need be.

Additionally, unplug regularly on the weekend. Give yourself time to wander, think, and be alive.

Going to the Store Unprepared

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