Chapter 1: Can This Be True?

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One hot, sunny day Lance came home to find his mother waiting for him in the living room. "James," she started hesitant, "Justin Timberlake's mom called. She wants you to join her son's band." Lance could not believe what his mom was saying. Justin Timberlake looking for him? This moment felt surreal. And just as Lance was about to say that he totally wanted to do it his mother interrupted him saying, "I really don't think it's a good idea James." "But mom, I'm sure it will be a great opportunity for me and-" his mom interrupted him again "No, you have to finish high school and get into a good college. My final answer is no."

Somehow Lance managed to convince her to just go and see what it was about after a while of bugging her about it. "Fine, we will go. But just to see what it is about. Do you hear me James? Just to see what it is about. Do not get you hopes up." "Yes mom."

When they got to Orlando, Lou Pearlman waited for them in his Rolls Royce. They met him and he drove them to where they'd all be meeting. Lance was pretty nervous about meeting them. What if they didn't like him? Lance just hoped that if he made the band, they would get along good.

They pulled up at a big house where he could see two boys playing basketball, he recognized one of them, it was Justin Timberlake, he didn't know who the other boy was, though. They got out of the car and the boys went over to meet them. "Hi," said Justin as he approached Lance and his mom "I'm Justin." "Hey, I'm Lance." he said with a thick southern accent. "Chris." the oldest said as he shook Lance's hand. "Let's go inside." they heard Lou say. They all headed inside.

The first thing that Lance saw when they got to the living room were two guys playing video games. "Guys, he's here." Chris said and the two guys turned around. "Oh, hi. I'm Joey." a boy taller than him said as he stood up to greet him. The other boy stood up and turned around, when Lance saw his eyes it felt as if everything stopped around him. He was the most beautiful human being he had ever seen.

Lance had known that he was gay since he was five years old, he never told anyone, not even his family. When he saw this boy, he knew in an instant that he liked him, a lot.

The boy walked towards him. "Hey, I'm JC." he said with a small smile. "Lance." the younger boy said as he shook his hand.

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