Chapter 7: This I Promise You

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He couldn't bring himself to sleep, he was afraid that he would encounter more nightmares. After a few hours of lying awake, he finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Lance sat in the living room playing video games with JC. "Hey JC?" Lance asked as he put the controller down. "Yes?" JC looked at Lance and put his controller down as well. "Well... I uh, I wanted to tell you this for a long time." Lance looked down, "I like you." After those words left his mouth he heard a gasp. He looked up only to see JC standing up, a look of shock and disgust on his face. He started walking away when Lance stood up and tried to stop him by grabbing his arm. "JC wait. Don't go." "Leave me alone, you freak!" JC said as he turned around and shoved Lance. He walked away as Lance fell to the floor, his heart shattering into a million pieces. He never thought that JC would be so mean towards him. "Please don't go."

Lance shot up from his bed, tears running down his face. The last part of his dream replaying in his mind. It was a horrible dream that he never wanted to face in real life. Then he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, at first he flinched but when he realized that it was JC, he hugged him back. "Please don't go." JC's heart broke when Lance said this, he sounded so heartbroken and sad. "I won't go. I will always be here for you. I promise." JC whispered as he started running his hand through his blonde hair in an attempt to calm him down. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm here, the nightmare is over." After these words, Lance started breathing normally. "Are you okay now?" JC asked, pulling away from the hug. Lance nodded as he wiped a tear from his eye. "Lie back down." As Lance did so JC started singing a soft lullaby to him. JC held Lance's hand to bring some comfort. Lance held his hand back and closed his eyes, trying to relax while hearing JC's angelical voice. Soon, he fell asleep. "Goodnight Lance." JC said as he let go of his hand and went over to his own bed to sleep.

******** \[^v^]/ ********

"Good morning." Lance greeted the guys as he sat on the table and started eating his waffles. They all greeted him back and continued eating their breakfast. They got up and changed to get ready for rehearsals, they weren't looking forward to it but they did want to improve. Lance was about to leave his room to go outside when he heard a voice call for him. "Hey, Lance?" JC looked at him. "Yeah?" Lance turned around to look at him. "Take it easy on rehearsals today. I don't want something bad happening again." Lance nodded at what JC said as he walked out of the room.

Rehearsals went as usual. They were practicing some new choreography and it included a back handspring. They had a small break where the guys sat on their usual spot and played cards, this time JC didn't join them since he wanted to practice his back handspring a bit more. As JC was practicing it, his hand slipped and he fell down. He sat up and grasped his arm. He groaned in pain. "What's wrong, C?" Justin asked as he ran towards him. "I think I heard a crack when I fell on my arm." "Maybe we should get your arm checked out." Joey suggested. "Okay." JC said as he got up from the floor. "Well then, rehearsal is over," The choreographer announced as he left. "And, I hope your arm gets better." He added as he walked out the doors. "Come on, let's go. I'll drive." Chris said as they got out of the building. They all piled into the car and drove to the hospital.

They arrived at the hospital a few minutes later since there wasn't much traffic. They took JC to the ER to get checked up. The doctor came out after a while and told the guys that JC had broken his arm and it had been put in a cast. He also told them that JC had gotten a small fever which was nothing to worry about but they would keep him in the hospital for the night, just to check on him and make sure his fever didn't rise. The guys thanked the doctor and asked if they could visit JC for a few minutes, the doctor agreed and they walked towards his room. They entered and found him watching TV. "Hey," Lance waved. "How's your arm?" "It's fine. Doesn't hurt too much." JC shrugged. The guys talked for a while until the doctor told them that it was time for JC to get some rest. "We'll see you tomorrow, C." Lance smiled at JC as he left the room. "Bye bye."

When the guys arrived at the house they were really tired. They had a quick dinner and went to bed. Lance was the last one to go to sleep, he didn't know what he would do if he got the nightmares again and JC wasn't there for him. When he finally went to bed, he stared at the ceiling for what seemed hours, he couldn't bring himself to sleep. Finally, a wave of tiredness washed over him and he finally closed his eyes and dozed off. Though it wasn't for long.

Author's Note: Hi, I hope you liked this chapter and are liking the story so far. I will be updating soon :) Also I would like to know what you think of this story, I would appreciate some constructive criticism, so it would be nice if you could comment on those things. (I want constructive criticism not hate or being rude pls.)

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