Chapter 11: Sing To Me Once More

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Rain pattered on the windows of the house. Lance found himself lying awake once more. He had woken up by the thunder roaring in the distance, he felt scared. He never wanted to admit it but he was afraid of thunderstorms. He shivered as a cold breeze came in through the open window. He felt JC's hold on him tightened as he shivered. The booming sound of thunder made him jump a bit. He looked at JC's face and saw how his eyes fluttered open. "Lance, what's wrong?" He frowned, seeing him shivering with both cold and a little bit of fear. A gust of wind came through the window and they heard a booming sound, which made them jump, followed by the only light source in the room, which happened to be Lance's nightlight, to turn off.

Lance had to admit that he didn't like the dark, in fact, he could say that he is afraid of it. When the lights went out he shut his eyes and held tightly onto JC. "Shhh, it's just a storm." he soothed. JC looked down at Lance's face and saw that Lance had his eyes shut tightly. "What's wrong?" JC asked. "The light." Lance said quietly, his eyes never opening. "Ohhh," JC said in realization, he had forgotten about Lance's fear of the dark, "Don't worry, we can find some candles to light up. You have nothing to fear, I'm here with you." JC looked down at Lance and saw how he opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the darkness. "Do you want to go find some candles with me?" JC asked. Lance nodded softly. They got up, the thunder could still be heard, it kept getting louder and louder. JC and Lance stepped out into the hall, it was pitch black. JC felt around for the walls to be able to guide himself to the kitchen where they had the candles in a drawer. He stopped and turned around, he grabbed Lance's hand with his casted arm to guide him with him, and also to make sure they stayed together. He kept walking slowly until he bumped into something, or more likely, someone. The other person screamed, which made JC and Lance scream too. "JC? You scared the crap out of me." the person asked, obviously startled. "Chris?" JC asked when he recognized the voice. "What are you doing here, man?" Chris asked. "May I ask the same?" JC returned the question. "I woke up because of the storm and noticed that the lights went out, you know I'm a light sleeper. Justin on the other hand, he wouldn't wake up if the house was falling down." Chris replied, "So, what about you?" "Lance and I woke up and came over here looking for candles to light up the room." JC said in an obvious tone. "I think we will go do that now." He said, noticing Lance's hand tighten his grip around him, obviously because it was dark and he didn't want to be there too long. "Yeah, you guys do that. By the way, hi Lance." Chris said as he started making his way back to his room. "Hi, Chris." Lance said quietly. "Oh and could you guys bring me a candle? I mean, you're going to get them anyways." Chris asked, turning around. "Sure." JC said as he and Lance kept walking slowly to the kitchen. When they arrived at the kitchen JC turned around to face Lance, "I'm gonna go get the candles, I'll be gone for just a moment, okay? Don't move." "Okay." Lance said quietly, he trusted him. JC walked over to the drawer where they had the candles, he got three out and got the lighter. The wind howled as it came through the window, Lance jumped a bit at this. "JC?" he asked. He then felt a hand on his shoulder which made him jump. "Lance, it's just me." JC said as he hugged him. "Come on, let's go back." JC took Lance's hand in his and led him back towards their room. They gave Chris the candle and then went into their room. JC lit up the two candles they had and set them up on the nightstand. He looked at his watch, it was 3:45 a.m. "I think we should sleep, it's still 3 a.m. and we have that gig that Lou got for us, tomorrow afternoon." JC said as he sat down next to Lance on his bed. "Thank you for getting candles for me." Lance hugged JC. He hugged back, he felt Lance's warmth compared to the coldness of the wind. "Sing to me once more, Josh. Please." Lance looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. JC nodded, he cleared his throat and started singing softly. He ran his hands through Lance's blond hair as he did this, seeing how his green eyes started closing...

Close your eyes

Have no fear

The monster's gone

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