I'm Misunderstood

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So, all of us suffer from depression. Sometimes we feel like we can't do anything about it, like it's a darkness that's swallowing us, trapping us. I suffer from this a lot, and, while some people care about it, others don't give a damn. In fact, they want me to hurt inside, and then go about their day like nothing's wrong at all. I'm not trying to single anyone out here, just trying to reach out, to find those who don't think I'm vermin.

I feel like the people I should be able to call "friends" only know me for who I pretend to me. If they knew who I actually was, they would probably toss me out and want me to rot in hell, just like everyone else.

I'm currently in a very tough situation. Those who know me in person probably know at least one of the reasons why I feel so crappy. I had a friend. He was a nice guy, had a great sense of humor, and a unique (and dirty) mind. You probably know who I'm talking about by now, but please don't tag him, because he probably wouldn't like that. I don't know what the hell happened between us, but suddenly we just sort of split apart, and he doesn't want anything to do with me. If said person is reading this, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm just stating facts you told me yourself.

Just wanted to say, I'd do anything to get things back the way they were before I messed everything up. 

This is short, but my life might be short, and I want this to reflect my life as much as possible.

-Your friend (or not) ALPHA

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