I'm Sorry

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Hey, this is Alpha, you probably already knew that though. I just wanted to tell you all I'm so sorry for everything I did and you won't have to care anymore. You might think I just want attention, that's not true. 

Some of you know I deal with depression and stuff, honestly today I don't know where I'm headed, I can't feel anything, I don't even feel like I'm alive anymore. I tried to make things right with her so just tell her I know I made a mistake but she's wrong as well and I CAN'T BLOODY TAKE THIS ANYMORE I WANT TO DIE I CAN'T TELL ANYONE I KNOW BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND ME FOR WHO I AM AND THEY'D JUST TELL A THERAPIST OR SOMETHING AND I CAN'T DO THIS AGAIN 

Some of you have tried supporting me and stuff, honestly I don't know you in person but you're kinder than the people I call my own friends they faked liking me they only wanted my trust so they could manipulate me and I don't want to be taken advantage of again I've had that too many times

Sorry for letting you all down. 




Thanks for trying to fix my stupid self I'm sorry and I'll regret publishing this but it's done I don't want people to waste their lives hating a dead person


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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