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"Ziiimmmm." Dib groans from the couch. They've been dating for a few years now, they've even moved into a house together. The tallest took over Zim's base... and Gir.

"What is it Bid?" Zim replies from the other room.

"1, don't call me Bid. 2, we should go hang at I don't know... this super fancy restaurant." Dib rushes the last part. Zim pops into the living room.

"I don't want to go to a place where you eat gross food around strangers." Zim shakes his head.

"That's why I ordered a private room, it's just gonna be us and some food." Dib stretches his body out.

"Ugh, fine. I'm not gonna eat anything though." Zim shivers at the thought of fancy restaurant food.

"Alright! Let's go, the reservation is in 30 minutes!" Dib shoots up and quickly changes into fancier clothes. Zim does the same.

The pair load into the voot, which they crudely disguised as a car, and started the drive. Once they arrived, they are brought to the private room. Some people stared at them, but no one was able to watch when the door slams close.

"This is stupid." Zim rests his head in his hand.

"Aw come on, they got breadstick and garlic bread!" Dib pokes Zim's face with a breadstick. Zim lets out a small laugh and snatches it.

"This is all I'm having!" He takes a bite. It was a really good breadstick.

They ordered... well more like Dib ordered and they waited for the food to arrive. Dib started to shake a bit. Zim clearly noticed, Dib almost spilled the water he was drinking cause of it.

"Why are you shaking? Did the garlic bread poison you!?" Zim leans close to Dib.

"No! I'm not shaking! I'm just... exercising." Dib lies poorly.

"I don't buy it, what are you planning?" Zim smirks.

"Ah! Ok fine!!" Dib pulls out a ring pop package and gets down on one knee.

"No fucking way." Zim mumbles.

"Will you be my ancient alien?" Dib asks taking the ring pop out the package.

"You were nervous about proposing to someone who only tolerates you out of everyone in the entire universe." Zim laughs. Dib blushes. "And you even made a Lemon Demon reference..."

"Is that a no...?" Dib sulks. Zim thinks for a bit.

"I'm only accepting for the ring pop." Zim grabs it and smiles. Dib giggles and hugs Zim.

"Gah! I can't wait to tell Gaz! And maybe Dad!" Dib lifts Zim up. Zim growls a bit.

"Put me DOWN." He kicks his legs. Dib sets him down, he's crying like a baby. "Get your gross human tears on me and I'm shooting you into the sun."

Dib wipes his eyes and apologizes. They sit back down and their food arrives. They quickly eat their food, and Zim shoves tons of breadsticks into his pak, they rush to Dib's old house. Dib knocks on the door and Gaz opens it. She looks annoyed and very tired.

"I thought you moved out." She grumbles as they come inside.

"We have some big news." Dib tried to hid his giddy smile. She rolls her eyes.

"DAD DIB'S HERE." She yells. There some clanking from Membrane's bedroom. The door swings open and he and Clembrane walkout.

"Sorry, we were doing an experiment." Membrane explains. They all stare at them, a little disgusted.

"We tried to make pudding with dust!" Clembrane hands them all a bowl of pudding, that had clumps of dust in it.

"God please stop talking about your sex life." Gaz groans. Membrane tried to explain that they weren't but she just covered his mouth.

"Uh, anyway..." Dib grabs Zim and holds him up. "I'm getting married to this stupid thin!"

"You could have just called." Gaz walks away, probably back to her game. Membrane picks Dib up into a hug.  

"Ah! This is so exciting. I promise this will be the biggest and greatest wedding!" He sets Dib down. "We have to start planning right away, we can't waste time."

"Noooo- we're going home so I can stuff my face full of some breadsticks, wedding planning starts once I have none left." Zim grabs Dib with his pak leg and drags him out the door with him.

The car ride was silent the way back. Mostly because Zim was eating, but also because Dib was writing loads of shit in his notebook. probably wedding plans.

"A ring pop." Zim smirks. Dib blushes.

"Well, I knew you liked candy and the ring hole would fir your finger, and-" Dib gets cut off by Zim shoving the candy in his mouth.

"You spent ring money on something else, didn't you?" Zim takes the candy out.

"Yes... but it was something for you- both of us. Your Tallests wouldn't give it to me unless I gave them snacks." Dib explains. Zim stares at him confused. Dib probably did something stupid. "It's inside, I hid it from you. I would have given it to you after our wedding day, but knowing you you'd find it." 

They arrive home and Dib hops out. He goes into another room to grab whatever he spent all the money on. He arrives back, it's a huge object with a blanket over it.

"Behold!" Dib removes the cover.


Umm... so its ending next chapter ahah.... umm- im really fucking nervous about this, i wont spoil but, it might be weird if you don't like the whole dib is a clone au.

sorry for the short chapter, online school fuckiNG SUCKs- i hate it so much. its so much more stressful than regular school. im also writing another fic as i said in an earlier chapter, its NOT invader zim (its fanboy and chum chum and i probably wont post it cause its edgy and mostly a vent fic). I will be writing another invader zim one, I just dont have any ideas for it. If you can PLEASE give me some ideas for a new fic i will... idk kiss you on the cheek

also the tallests kidnaped Gir, he's now their kid.

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