Game #2

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(Hinata pov)

"Alright Hinata repeat after me." Suga said calmly. "I will not get lost."

"I will not get lost." I repeated anxious to get off the bus and join the rest of the team. Suga must have seen how excited I was because he finally let me out of the bus.

"Alright lets join the rest of the team." He sighs grabbing his gym bag.

Suga had kept me in the bus a little longer to go over some 'guide lines' that I needed to follow before I was allowed to go in. He apparently thought I was gonna get lost again. But I told him that was just a one time deal. We got in and joined our team to warm up before the game. Then I had to use the restroom...

"Hey Suga I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom." Suga just gave me one of those looks while putting his hands in his hips. "I'll be fine! It's a straight shot from there and back."

"You better be." He said giving me a stern look then going back to practice.


Well..I'm lost..again. I found my way to bathroom with only a couple of wrong turns, but getting back is a whole other problem. I have two choices, look around and try to find my way back or hug a tree. Well..there's no trees in the stadium so I guess I have to look around, unless I want to try to find my way out of the building to hug a tree. I quickly decided that going outside was a bad idea and I just need to look around.

Theres a lot of people here like there was at the other stadium, and many different teams. I've never even heard of most of them. Everyone here is super tall as well, it makes me shorter then I normally do. I look around for a little bit longer then begin my journey to find my team.

As I start to wander around I here a very familiar voice scream,


Then another familiar voice say,


Fukurodani is here, they can help me!

(Bokuto pov)

I was playing around at the water fountain while Akaashi tried to fill up are water tub for the game today. Of course I wasn't being very much help. I was about to splash Akaashi but I heard someone behind us.

"Thank the little giant you guys are here!" Hinata exclaims running towards us.

"Hello, Hinata is there something we can help you with." Akaashi asks.

"Yeah! Can you guys help me find my team?" He says tilting his head.

"Oo! I have a better idea, you can stay with us and join are team!" I state swinging around. "Right, Akaashi?"

It was a couple seconds before he replied.

" Unfortunately we can't keep Hinata." He sighed.

"Give him the extra jacket! Then it'll be like he's on our team~!" I exclaimed while reaching in Akaashi's bag to find the extra jacket. "Here you go!" I say pulling the jacket out of the bag.

I hand him the jacket he puts it on, then we head off.

"So how did you get lost?" Akaashi asks while we mindlessly walk around.

"Well I was going to the bathroom and I made a wrong turn in the way there but I did manage to find it. The reason I can't find my way back is because I made that wrong turn." He explained to Akaashi.

"You literally just have to walk straight to get to the bathroom from where your team was at- how did you-?" Akaashi states squinting at Hinata.

"Wellllll at least you ran into us! Right Hinata?" I say walking around in a circle between the two if them.

"Yeah!" Hinata exclaims pumping his fist in to the air.

After a couple more minutes if walking we made it to the bathroom and stopped.

"We're not going any farther," Akaashi says. "I don't want to deal with an angry mom."

At this statement Hinata's face dropped. As he realized his fate.

"Just walk straight and you'll get there. I will wait here to make sure you make it." Akaashi explains.

"Rest in peace Hinata!" I yell as he starts to make his way back.

(Hinata pov)

As I open the door to the court were playing at Suga dashes over to me.

"Where. Were. You?" Suga asks glaring into my soul.

"I the bathroom?" I respond back.

"So you were in the bathroom for 20 minutes? And your wearing a Fukurodani jacket!"

"I found the it in the bathroom.."

"...I'm sure you did Hinata. When we get back to school I want you to do 100 receives and 12 laps around the gym. Now take of the jacket and come warm up!" Suga says walking back over to Daichi.

"Ok!" I exclaimed while taking of the jacket and setting it near my things.


Chapter 2 is done! Let me know what teams you want to see in later chapters. Cya y'all later.

850 words

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