Game #3 (ft. Fever)

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(Suga pov the night after last game)

I'm standing in the gym watching Hinata make his final lap around the court. And I'm amazed that he thinks this is his punishment. At first it was but then I realized it's Hinata he'll enjoy this.

"So can I go home now? I'm starving!" Hinata yells running over to the door.

"You can go, but I have some news." I say grabbing his head and turning him around before he walks out. "That wasn't your punishment."

"What! Then why did I do it?" He asks.

"Well when I got here you had already started. Plus it's extra practice."

"Well what's my punishment?"

I look at him straight in the eye so he knows I'm serious.

"You can't play in the next game." I say bluntly.

"What! You can't do that! Only coach and Daichi can decide that!" He exclaimed as he started to freak out.

"Well we all kinda came up with it together. Daichi was supposed to tell you but he had to leave early." I explained.

"So I can't play...?" He asks with a sad face.

"You can't play." I say confirming he question.

"Then I'll work extra hard! Make you guys let me play!" He declares then runs out the door to go home.

(Hinata pov game day)

We're almost at the game and they still didn't give me permission to play. I worked extra hard in practices, helped clean up the gym and I even cleaned up the locker room! But apparently that wasn't enough

As were all heading off the bus I noticed that my head hurts a lot, and I felt a little warm. But I'm fine. It's probably just anxiousness because I can't play.

We get inside and everyone starts to warm up. I sit on the floor and lean my head against the chairs.

"Are you ok?" Yachi asked me standing in front of me.

"Yeah I'm fine!"

"Ok, if your sure." She says then goes to collect run away balls.


It was about 30 minutes later and we were all huddled up while Coach Ukai explained some stuff.  Once they finished I walked up and asked if I could use the bathroom. He said yes and handed my a drawn out map of the place so I don't get lost. But little does he know I don't know how to use a map.

It took a little while but I made it to the bathroom with only five wrong turns. I used the bathroom then got a drink from the water fountain which was right next to the entrance. My head started hurting a lit mire and everything got very blurry. I got only a couple of steps in before I leaned against the wall and sat down.

Everything was very blurry and I could here only muffled voices. I felt my head start to fall down. Then everything was black.

(Kenma pov)

I was about to use the bathroom but I saw Shoyo sitting against the wall. And he looked very pale. I tried asking him a question but he didn't respond. He then fell down on the ground with his eyes closed. I immediately ran over put the extra Nekoma jacket that I have over him.

I texted Kuroo to come over to the bathrooms and help. I didn't specifically say what I needed help with but I didn't think that matters. I sat down next to Shoyo and poked him on the head once to make sure he was asleep.

"Kenna! What happened?" Kuroo asks running over to me and Shoyo.

"He just fainted when I came here." I explained. "I need you to carry him to the infirmary while I tell his team."

"Ok." He replies picking up hinata.

"I'll meet you in the infirmary after I tell his team." He nods then we both start running to where we need to go.

I slammed open the doors to the court which caused everyone to look at me. I ran up to their coach and started to explain everything.

"Suga! Go with Kenma to the infirmary ok?" There coach said.

His mother instincts most have kicked in cause ran over a practically dragged me over to the infirmary. He kicked open the door and ran over to Shoyo.

"What happened?" He asks looking over to the nurse.

"He has whats called a stress fever. Has he been over working himself at practice?" The nurse says.

Suga just nods his head and looks back at Shoyo.

"Your lucky that they found him in time, the boy had a pretty high fever. It's gone down now though." The nurse explains.

"Alright, well me and Kenma have to get going tell Hinata we say hi!" Kuroo says while grabbing me and pushing me out the door.

(Hinata pov)

I woke up and heard an unfamiliar voice taking with...suga?

"Eh?" I said getting up and looking around.

"Hinata! Thank goodness you're ok! Don't ever do that again!" Suga screams while hugging me.

"W-what did I do?" I ask very confused.

"You over worked yourself at practice and stressing about no being able to play in our game to today which gave
you a stress fever!" Suga explains.

"Ohhhh." I sigh.

"Plus Nekoma helped you." He says leaning in the nurse bed thing.

"What's wrong with that?" I say tilting my head.

"There are rivals!" Suga exclaimed putting his hands in the air.

15 minutes later the nurse let me and Suga back to the game. And Kenma gave me a nekoma jacket! So I put that on and Suga and I headed out.


So that was a different kinda chapter but I liked so 🤷‍♀️. Next is gonna be Shiratowizawa which will be a ride. But give me more haikyuu teams for later chapters and I will reuse teams after a while.
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