the first

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     Will Byers a kid with no friends, just a simple second grader with no friends at all, he looked so down on himself ever since his dad left, he kind of knew this one boy named Dustin Henderson, but they were never close. but one day that would all change.
Will woke up from his mom trying to wake him up after the seventh time this morning, Will shoot up from his slumber and immediately started getting dressed for the day in his usual, jeans and a striped shirt, and his black converse. when Will was ready to head off to school with dustin when he saw two other boys, will was very quiet on his way to school but when one boy spoke up, the taller and scrawnier one said "hi! my name is mike short for michael, and yours is?" will shot his head up and got flustered and said with his annoying stutter he hated "oh- uh-uhm my n- nu- name is w-will sh-short for william, n-nice to m- muh-meet you "
    once they got to school the boys went their own ways, but will just so happened to find himself following mike, he shrugged it off and thought it wouldn't be so bad! will walked into the class room, all the other second graders were standing up in the front of the class waiting for ma. Clare to tell them where to sit. mike looked back at will and shrugged and they decided to wait in front too with the half of the class still standing. the air conditioning in the room was really cold that day so will was freezing, the chill nipping at his nose and finger tips, will was sensitive to the cold. suddenly his ears perk up when he hears his name called, the desks are set up in partner pods so will say on the left side. will was taking his stuff out of his back pack when he heard mike sitting down next to him. mike simply smiled over at will and waved a little bit, held way through the class will couldn't concentrate at all because the dumb teacher wouldn't turn the ac off, mike seemed to notice this and he took off his coat and offered it to will and will shook his head no but mike insisted will take it, will just repositioned himself in the chair trying to ignore mike when he feels the coat being wrapped around his shoulders , "take it, i don't need it, you seem cold" to taller boy whispered to will and so he just nodded and slid his arms though the arm holes, it was really big on will but he didn't mind.
     after class it was lunch time and will had no one but dustin to sit with, will forgot about mikes coat in which he was still wrapped up in, so he sat down next to dustin. dustin turned around and saw will, "hey will how's it been!" dustin asks " p-pretty good h- huh- how about y-you" the tiny boy asks. "i've been great! did you see about the new super man comic coming out next wednesday!" the small boy wrapped in mikes stripped coat nodded and kept rambling on and on about how he got a seat next to mike and when dustin finally noticed what will was wearing, "is that mikes?" dustin pointed at the coat, will seemed flustered "shoot i-i forgot to g-five it back-" will suddenly jumped when he hears a gentle tray sit down on his other side, he turned around and saw mike " oh sh-shoot i f-forgot to give you t-th-this ba-" will gets cut off by mike "that's alright"
     little did will know, he was having a flash back during class in 6th grade- he suddenly shook his head and saw him sitting next to mike and lucas in math and surprisingly he was still wearing mikes coat that still fit perfectly around the tiny boy, mike turned around from looking at the board to looking at will "you okay?" mike was genuinely concerned, "y-yeah i'm fine" will utters back still in shock about his flashbacks, "promise?" mike held out his pinkie, will linked their pinkies "promise".
     after that school day was over will decided to stay the night at mikes house with the others, will called him on on mikes phone that was in the basement, mike was staring at will, he truly didn't know how he was feeling, mike noticed everything from how will twirls the cord all the way to the way will was standing with one leg properly propped up behind him repeating the same thing to his moms rules after the insistent happened a few months ago "uh huh." "got it" "okayokay" . will had to stand on his tippy toes to reach the receiver to hang up, once will looked back over to where all the others were sitting his eyes locked with mikes which were staring at him, will acknowledging the fact mike was staring at him and just simply walked back over to the rest of the party thinking nothing of it, lucas chimed in "so do any of you want to play a game outside?" all the others agreed since it was right after school and it was still very bright outside. will was still shaky on the idea but mike convinced i'm to go with them, mike wins all the time. as they were walking up the stairs Karen said "have fun boys! be back in when the street lights come on!" mike smiled slightly "okay mom!" karen yelled back right before they walked out of the door "love you guys!!" ( karen was basically their second mom ) "we love you too!" lucas yelled back, the boys were debating on playing tag or hide and seek, will and mike were on the tag side lucas and dustin were on the hide and seek side, it just so happened that hide and seek won considering will and mike are very bad at rock paper scissors, so they did a little round of nose goes and they slit up on two teams, dustin and lucas were team red and mike and will were on team blue, lucas and dustin understood why will and mike always wanted to be on the same team, mike was there for will during every single one of his episodes while the others just glossed over it, so they were fine with it, dustin and lucas were it so they started counting and will and mike ran off giggling but silently so team red couldn't hear them, the finally found a nice spot right behind the wheelers back porch. will started seeing things and he felt another episode coming on but mike snapped him back into reality when he placed his hand on wills "you okay?" mike whispers to the smaller boy, will nods and smiles at mike. will snuggles into the coat mike gave him in second grade, "how does that thing still fit you?" mike asked jokingly "oh uhm i dunn-" will gets cut off but mike saying "i was joking dude you're just small" will rolled his eyes "am not" mike smiled a bit "yeah sure okay whatever you say will the wise" that statement made both of the boys giggle a bit but then covering their mouths when they hear foot steps. lucas and dustin heard them giggling before and so they looked under the porch and saw the two boys, both covering their mouths making eyes contact with each other trying to hold in their laughs, they all play a few other rounds before it gets really dark and they saw the light come on so they decided to go inside and they did exactly that, karen smiles at the boys "dinners ready!"
    after they eat dinner the four head down stairs to get ready to settle down for the night, they each take turns changing in the bathroom, mike being the last because he's kind and respectful and let the others go first, will was just wearing a big tee shirt and some shorts, all the others wore pj sets, mike thought it was unique, once they were all don't they decided to settle down for the night, putting in a movie to fall asleep to, they all had their own sleeping bags and they all spread out on mikes base ment making their selfs comfy
       ~1:28 am~
  mike wakes up at the noice of will silently crying, wills sleeping bag was right next to mikes so mike softly shook will making sure he doesn't hurt him, will shot his head around and wrapped his arms around mike, "hey hey it's okay!" mike whispers to will, will was crying into his shoulder after having another vision. mike had no idea how long he was sitting there hugging will and basically cradling him, will started to drift off to sleep again and so mike lied him back down and he lied back down as well, then out of no where will clings onto mikes sleeve and so mike holds out his arm and will hugs his arm for the rest of the night, will and mike being about and inch apart, will drifting off to sleep while holding onto mikes arm, mike slowly started falling asleep too when he feels will scoot closer and cuddle into mikes chest and mike lets him and plays with his hair till will falls back asleep, once he does mike falls asleep too, mike always makes sure the others are asleep before he falls asleep, he always has been like that.
      in the morning when lucas is the first one to wake up he gets up to go pee and sees mike holding will in his arms lucas smiles softly and shakes his head and moves on. later on while lucas and dustin are both awake trading base ball cards when mike and will finally wake up at around 8 or 8:30, will stretched out acting like mike wasn't just holding will in his arms, mike did the same and stood up and stood on his tippy toes to stretch, will stood up too and joked around "so is that how you stay so tall?" will giggled mike shrugged "oh i dunno" lucas chimed in " he probably stays so tall because practically all he eats is apples" mike rolled his eyes "haha you're so funny" mike said walking over to sit but lucas and will following him, will automatically out of instincts puts on mikes coat that he loves, lucas, dustin , and will were all focused of the cards but mike what's asking himself one question
     why do you want to be around will more then the others? mike shrugged it off and brushed it over and joined in their conversation, when mike out of the corner of his eye sees will staring at mike, mike smiled about it and doesn't point it out to the others and just looks over at will and smiles. this was the first time will got butterflies from another boy-

( hey guys!! i really hope you liked this! add a comment if you did! tell me your favorite part! i would love to hear it! )

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