the diary

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will decided to stay another night with mike, all the others had already left. mike has an idea of what they should do on the partly cloudy saturday, "we should go and explore those woods behind my house!" mike said after sitting in silence, mike staring at will but will reading a comic. will looks up with excitement, "sure! "
mike nodded and ran up the stairs with will following not far behind, Karen and ted weren't up yet but Nancy was, she ran down the stars to see what all the noise was and saw mike half way out the door and will following him, mike peeped his head in and said "i'll be back in about an hour, if mom asks i've left the country" Nancy was confused but nodded awkwardly and gave a thumbs up. "thanks" mike and will run out the door darting towards the woods when they both came to a stop remembering castle Byers and choose to run there so they did so, once they arrived will told him to wait so he could hide his diary, he hated people looking at it. will gave mike a thumbs up when he could come in. mike crawled in and sat across from will looking at all the pictures and drawings on the wall, one drawing catches his eye, it was a drawing of mike, will had thought he hid that, mike pointed it out "that's really good!" will turned a shade of red no one has ever seen across his face, not even his mom, "h-heh uhm- t-thu-thanks" will smiled at mike. mike could
see that will was red and so he treaded him about it "what's wrong will? you look like a toma-" mike gets cut off by a foot step boise right behind him out side of the hangout, mike shot his head around and wills eyes widened, will soon calmed down assuming it was just his mom, "mom?" will called out, no answer so mike told will to stay inside while he checks it out, when mike crawls out he sees a girl with a buzz cut staring with scared eyes and mike being the caring person he is asked "what's wrong? are you lost? do you need help finding your home?" will crawled out top and saw the girl, will tilted his head at mike his eyes asking 'do you know her' without even saying a word, mike shrugged trying to get the girl to talk, "what's your name?" the girl looked up with tears in her eyes and simply her out her arm, will read off "eleven?" the girl shrugged, "oh well my name is mike" mike said, will never heard mike introduce himself like that it was always 'my names mike short for michael' will knew mike was skeptical of this girl, mike looked back at will to introduce himself so will did "i'm will" he shrugged and the girl with scared eyes ran off without a word, mike turned around to will shrugging and climbing back into the tent, mike saw a book poking out of the tub with all of wills games in it, mike openly took the book, will not looking. mike opens the first page and will looking over and freaking out, the only word mike saw was his own name he read one sentence before will stanched the book from mike in a protective manor, the sentence was 'mike is my favorite person yeah but i'm not in love with him i don't think..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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