Chapter 8

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As we were getting closer to second semester, I was running out of time. I knew I needed to make a decision soon. I've been constantly communicating with all three schools and have been back and forth for the past 4 months. Man, does time actually fly. I have been so occupied with school, soccer, and friends I didn't even realize it's exam time. Now everyone is cramming as exam week is in two weeks. I finished the day off with AP History and Kaeden decided to walk with me to the parking lot.

"So, did you decide on a school yet? Who's the lucky pick?" he asks, eager as ever. I'm glad he's back to his cheery self again.

"Easy-on," I responded. That's the saying we tell each other when one of us starts to become too much energy for the other, "I'm deciding on Friday. I have a press meeting at the school, wanna come?"

"Of course! Also, do you want to study at Frenzie's after school on Thursday?"

"Sure. It'll be good to have someone who actually understands differences in complications of John Cabot's expedition to Newfoundland quizzing me."

"Can't handle your mom anymore?"

"You don't even know the half of it," I laugh, "don't get me wrong. I love her and really appreciate her efforts, but explaining the same thing to her over and over again when I have other pressing things to study isn't very helpful for a stressed out senior ya know."

"I got you."

On Thursday we met at Frenzie's and pull out all our notes. We both got the upside-down hot chocolate and crammed until it was 6pm. After we decided that was enough studying for one day, we chilled and chatted about all the funny memories we've had.

"I think my favourite though was when we did that ropes course and you absolutely just slammed straight into the tree." He barely gets out as we're both laughing ourselves to exhaustion.

"It's not my fault the zipline doesn't have some form of a break or structure that stops you from twisting around."

"It's called core strength. You should try it sometime." We laugh even harder. As soon as we calmed down a bit. He asks, "So, tomorrow is the big day."

"Yep, and I still have no clue what school I want to go to."

"That's okay." He says as he puts his notes into his bag.

"How did you know that you wanted to stay here at Bridge?" I ask.

"Oh, it was easy. I wanted to stick around for my moms cooking. Plus, I liked the coach the best."

"Well I'll be on a meal plan regardless, and I love all of the coaches."

"Not possible," he shakes his head, "but, if that really is the case, then you just have to follow your gut."

"I feel like its twisted into infinite knots."

"You're just saying that. C'mon, be truthful to yourself. You know there is the one school that you are leaning to just a little bit more than the others. You just have to admit it to yourself."

"You sound like my mom."

"Well, she knows you best. Just like I do." He smirks.

Once I got home, my whole family and I gathered on the couch to watch Survivor. Tonight was the merge, and it's always the juiciest part of the season. Their first individual immunity challenge was one of my favourites where they have to be on to a pole for as long as possible. One of my favourite players began to slip down the pole and it reminded me of a time when I was at an ID camp last year. Then I felt it. The feeling in my gut. I knew where I wanted to go. I then pulled out my phone to text Kaeden.

I know where I want to sign!!!


Can't wait to find out tomorrow :)

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