A Hyena's Tale Ch. 1

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He watched as the Red Skink and her Yellow confidante entered the Volcano.

Janja had never been real fond of Shupavu and her Skulk, for more reasons than one.

But there was one reptile he loathed even more.


The cobra looked down to the Skinks with a serious look on his face, "Well?"

"The Lion Guard have been tackling more Dust Devils this week," Shupavu reported, "They've been happening for the past Three weeks."

"Hmmm, That Mussst be the Third one thisss week," Ushari hissed, "And it'sss only The firsst day."

"And we've spotted the Hyena Resistance, too," Njano added to his leaders report, "They're still in hiding." The yellow skink laughed, "Wow, you've sure missed a lot since you've been away, Ushari!"

The Cobra was just about to argue. And he would've done it, too.

Had it not been for the rumbling coming from the Volcano.

And that certain rumbling meant one thing:

Their master was making his grand entrance.

"Ushari has had good reason for being away," The demonic voice of the fiery lion said to the Lizards, "He's been on an important mission. You see, Ushari has been on the search for some very valuable additions for the Army."

"Yess, ssssome old friendsss of Ssssscar'sss." Ushari said with a twisted smile on his face.

Janja tilted his head as he listened to Scar speak to the Reptiles. 'Who were these friends Scar was talking about?' He thought in his head, 'Were they other Hyenas? Wolves? Caracals?'

"Who're these friends of yours, Scar?" Njano Asked the Demon, "Have we met them?"

"Honestly, I doubt it," Scar answered the Yellow Skink, "These friends are more of my own Pride. " He Chuckled, "I don't really think of them as followers, I think of them as Friends who do my bidding."

Scar had a Pride? Why didn't he tell me? Or any other members of the Army for that matter.

The more Janja thought about it, the more he thought about having to Share his Volcano with Lions.

"Unfortunately, I haven't had any Luck," Ushari scowled, "But, There isss one place I haven't checked. The Termite Moundsss."

"I know a younger Lion who always went on and on about Termites." Scar said, clearly not happy with the memory in his head, before shaking it off and turning his attention to one animal: Janja.

"Janja," He addressed the Teenaged Hyena, "I have a mission for you. Tell your clan to go to the edge of the Pridelands, and attack the Ostriches nests."

The Hyena Nodded, "Sure thing, Scar!" He then showed an expression of confusion, "But, what'll that do?"

"It will distract the Lion Guard from the real Objective," Scar answered him, "While Kion and his Guard are distracted, The Jackals and Crocodiles will slip in Undercover and set Ukuni Woods on fire. Then, we will have attained another piece of their precious Pridelands."

Janja made clear that he liked the sound of this plan, "Oh yeah, You got it, Scar!"

With that being said, Janja turned and went to exit the Volcano. 'This is good,' He thought to himself, 'Looks like those Skinks didn't tell him after all.'

"And Janja."

The Hyena stopped in his tracks. The voice of his master didn't sound very happy. Fearing what would happen, Janja turned his head.

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