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Women's Power
6. The Annual Ally Celebrations

 The Annual Ally Celebrations

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✧・゚:*───────✧・゚: *

August of 1468

Queen Mother Jane

I WAS IN Kat's chambers as her ladies were dressing her for the celebrations. All the guests have arrived, and Kat was so excited because the Medici family was coming, and she wanted nothing more than to spend time with Lorenzo de Medici.

Kat was still pressuring me to speak with Edward about a marriage between her and Lorenzo. Kat thought of marriage as all love and sparkles, and I wish she would see that marriage was the complete opposite, but I don't want to crush my youngest child's dreams so soon. Yet, I think another alliance with the Medici will not help our accounts with their bank crippling.

As one of Kat's ladies was tying the strings to her dress, she turned to look at me with an almost pleading look, and I knew the conversation that was about to occur was going to be about the Medici. "Mother, can you please speak with Ned about my marriage to Lorenzo Medici?" She pleaded

"I told you that I would think about it," I sigh, and Kat groans as her lady finished tightening her dress. Kat took a seat at her vanity as one of her ladies was about to brush her hair. I grabbed the brush out of her hand, waving for all of them to leave.

Once they were gone, I walked up to my youngest daughter and began to brush her hair. I knew Kat wanted to marry Lorenzo de Medici, but with everything happening with their bank, we can not take the chance of allying with them, so all our accounts would be transferred over to the Medici bank once more.

"I don't understand why I can't marry Lorenzo Medici," Kat complains in a whisper. "I have told you already that we must find you a marriage that will tie Cyandare with a country with great wealth," I told her, and she rolled her eyes at me as if she did not care for what I was saying.

"I don't want to marry a foreign prince, mother. I want to marry Lorenzo Medici," Kat protested, getting up from her vanity. Kat knew what she wanted and will do anything to get it and won't stop until she does.

Just like her father and grandfather. Kat had always had more of her father's spirit than any of her siblings but had my father's eyes and strong will to thrive for something they can never have, which in my daughter's case was a marriage between Lorenzo Medici. "Kat, you are a princess of the royal house of Seymour in Cyandare, and your brother is the king, which means he will choose whom you will marry. I have no control over that," I explain.

"We both know that is a lie. You have more power than your son, the king," Kat scoffs and I move closer to her grabbing her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, Katherine, a woman's life will always be in the hands of others, and you will never be able to choose the man you marry. But you, my beautiful little girl, will have to hold fast and stay strong as you will be the most powerful woman in the world as I have seen it." I pull her into my chest, holding her tight, fearing if I let go, then she will turn into dust.

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